How Many This Time?

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Lily is about a week away from laying another clutch. Hopefully a smaller one than her first monster clutch of 103! Lily had a day a couple of weeks ago where she looked dark, hard and bloated (like she was full of air) and her eyes were a bit sunken. Then I realised that she looked like this before she laid her first clutch.

I checked back on her records and saw that she looked the same way between 3 and 4 weeks before she laid. I'm very glad I keep a record of everything, including how she behaves - it's very useful to look back on! Sure enough I can now see and feel eggs again, and if her timing is like last time, I should have more eggs over the Easter weekend! Too bad that they will be infertile.

So... How many do you think she'll lay this time?
maybe Mine will lay the same time as yours
Im super excited about my first clutch of eggs
How big was she when she layed the monster clutch.
I didn't weigh or measure her, but she was 14 months old when she laid her first clutch (23rd December 08). She looks like she did last time, but maybe things are 'looser' for subsequent clutches in the same way that human pregnancies show more after the first one. It is exciting, but very stressful too! They like to be private and may abandon the digging process if they see you looking at them! She'll have you pacing the floor while she's laying!
I would think it should be closer to April 20....but that's just my guestimate.

Hope it all goes well and that she lays a reasonable sized clutch!
Thanks for your input Kinyonga. I was going by the notes I made from last time. What makes you think that it'll be nearer to the 20th? You've probably got a better idea than me, after all its only Lily's second time!
Its mostly experience and from what I've read...but nothing is written in stone. I just thought it would be "fun" to guess.
Is this like one of those "guess how many Jellybeans are in this jar" type games? What do we win? :D


I say.. 101

Lily is looking very much fatter and lumpier than last time. I'm hoping it's because the skin was stretched last time, therefore stretching more this time! She hasn't eaten today and is looking more like a bag of marbles every day! My hubby takes great delight in telling her how huge she looks!! My Dad said she's got a face only a mother could love!! :eek: Poor Lily - it's a good job I love her!

Yes, I did want people to guess the clutch size this time - I thought it would be fun! I'm thinking around 80 eggies for Easter!
She's digging!

This morning Lily dropped a single egg from her basking branch after I misted her. :confused: So, needless to say, I had a bit of a panic, immediately thinking about all the things that can go wrong! She kept trying to dig on the floor instead of in the laying tub, so I added another tub and raised the floor of her cage with cardboard so that the floor became level with the top of the tubs. Fingers crossed! She's digging in the right place now thankfully!
She's Laying!

Whoopee!! :p Lily is laying me some lovely chameleon Easter eggs! She's been bum down in the hole for a couple of hours! Its so exciting! But now I'm worried that she may not lay them all. I just worry too much - she's such a special little girl and I'd be devastated if anything happens to her.
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