How much BB flies should I order?


New Member
I have one fischers and am wanting to order some BB flies for him. I'm wondering how many I should buy for just one cham? I know I can store them in the fridge but for how long? How many flies should I feed him a day? What.type of hatching cycle, so I don't run out?
For one cham I would order about 250. You can keep them in the fridge for at least 3-4 weeks. I hatch about 500 at a time and feed them off. I give about 15-20 per chameleon to adult panthers. So prob about 15 or so to a fishers they are a little smaller than a panther. He will go nuts for em. Watch out cuz he'll prob eat all 15 in about 5 mins. lol
How many should I in each of the BB flies stages? Just so I always have some actual flies on hand to feed him? I don't want to calculate wrong and then have him.go hungry. Sorry I'm so retarded! LOL.
When i order mine I hatch em all out at once. Then I cool them in the fridge. I take out however many Im going to feed the nite before and gutload over nite. Then i cool them for a few mins in the morning to transfer them in to the cages without having to worry about flies escaping. I take the big container out of the fridge every 4 days or so for about 48 hrs and let them warm up good and eat then they can go back in the fridge for another week.
Hope that helps
I really don't mean to sound like a complete idiot, I should have asked this in my last post as well. If I receive maggots/spikes if I take some out and just sit them in room temperature how soon will I have flies?
Well wish me luck! I just put my order in for some Blue Bottle Flies with I never thought in my wildest dream I would have mealworms and maggots in my frige and crickets on my porch! I actually a little worried about the maggots. I can handle every time of insect there is. Spiders, roaches not of that freaks me out. But when it comes to maggots, I get the heebie jeebies!
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