How old are you?

It's great that Clea is only 13 and a SENIOR member. Props to you. Funny i rarely get a sense of a persons age reading these posts, these amazing animals are a great equelizer in bringing people together.
I'm a young 26 and live in the UK

I have a degree in Primary Education, but not currently using it at the moment.

We have always had animals in our house, not too many at one time. We've had cockatiels, rats, dogs a leopard gecko plus others. My parents philosophy on the subject is... 'When _____ goes, we can have a ______'
At the moment we have a fish pond, tropical tank, Horsfield tortoise, 2 dogs, 4 GALs plus the chams in my sig :D
I could quite happily add to the family, I love owning and caring for animals. I should have looked into a career down this route.
This information remains on a "need to know" basis. Besides, it's not nice to ask a girl her age. :rolleyes:

Lets just say that when I was younger, I never got carded. Now I wish they would just to make me feel better. :p
I'm 35 and life is great! I've had animals all my life:D Been in vet clinics for 17 yrs and Vet Tech for 15.

Reading all the stories about being a kid brings back some memories. We only had an Atari and I love Pac Man and Centipede!! Every summer we stayed outside all day and were not allowed in the house. If we weren't out and about somewhere, our parents made us work in the garden and if we weren't doing that, they'd lock us out of the house.
What's so funny about childhood and now is I used to be terrified of snakes and spiders. Now I have 7 tarantulas...hahaha.
Until last year I bred snakes for several yrs then sold off a bunch and traded the rest for our blue and gold macaw. It's interesting how things have changed!
I'm turning 40 in a couple of months. I heard that 40 is the new 20 -- go figure. I'm finally at the age where I can get piercings and tattoos and not care what anyone thinks. Yeah, it took me this long LOL

38, and while piercings are out I'm getting my full back tattoo finished this year! It's appropriate for my age and wisdom ;)
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