How should I place the UVB fixture?


New Member
Hi guys just a simple question how should i place the uvb fixture horizontal way across in front of the cage how??

Hi guys just a simple question how should i place the uvb fixture horizontal way across in front of the cage how??


i usually put mine were he is always in his favorite spot which i put it in the front but its your choice
I have mine placed in the back and have my heat in the front. I have 2 high perches also for the uvb perch and his basking perch :)
what size cage? I have 2ft X 2ft X 4 ft and I run mine in the middle diagaonally. i use a 30 inch fixture and a 24 inch bulb. When I say the middle, I mean on top of the cage but on a diagonal angle.
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On top next to the basking light, so that the Cham gets both while basking. Usually as central over the cage as possible to cover as much area as possible. The basking light can be off centered and only over the basking branch.
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