How to fix chams eye problem


New Member
My female veiled cham sometimes opens her right eye and i all so seeing her rub her eye on branch or vine and a big bubble come out esp when i am misting her or after she eats what is the best thing i can do??? and what might of caused this to happen thanks
I've heard its them trying to clear out an irritation. You can try a shower to help flush whatever is bothering her out.

You can search shower to find tips on how to.
Not sure what you mean about "sometimes" opens her right eye? That should be open pretty much all day.

Rubbing could suggest anything from an eye shed irritation to an infection. Can you be a bit more specific?
I got this from an earlier post that I cannot find at the moment but I have come to realize the it is true. Chameleons use fluid to rinse out their eyes and if they are not very well hydrated they will rub their eye on branches since they do not have enough fluid to flush their eyes from their own store of fluid. This is why a shower helps. I have the same issues with my panther and keeping him extra hydrated by showering and feeding some silk or hornworms has greatly reduced the amount of time I see him with his eye closed or scratching. I will try and find that post but hydration is the key.

Its about the 4th post down by CNorton.
You posted several threads about the eyes already...just a suggestion but keeping one thread for one topic makes it easier for us to follow what's going on so we might have a better chance of helping you.

These are the other threads...

Is the UVB light the long linear fluorescent Repti-sun 5.0 tube light??
How are the male's eyes (earlier post)?

If you have had eye problems this long with them its time for a visit to the vets IMHO.
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yes its a repti sun 5.0 ........ yes all about same chameleon cuz the showers and everything didnt seem to help yet....does vitamin A help fix this
I don't know...but if the eye problems have been going on this long its time to do something more than shower the chameleon(s).
It could very easily be an infection that requires optical ointment/drops. I have an Oustalets that has chronic infections in one eye that I have to treat with pulse therapy. I would see a vet and have them look at the eye to see if there is exudate, etc, since increasing hydration has not worked.
it been going on for the most 4 days what u talkin about?

Was that directed for me? If so, I'm saying that it could be an infection that requires antibiotics.
Have you noticed even slight improvement with showering, or are the symptoms the same?
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Eye issues can stem from not enough misting for the cham to clean it's eyes or from incorrect lighting or from supplement issues.

If you don't have a misting system, it might be a good idea to invest. What is the humidity in the cage?

If you use compact florescent lighting you might have an issue.

What kind of supplements do you use?
kristen now it wasnt towards u and yes showering her i did see a lil improvement i went out and bout the repti fogger from zoo med i hope this increase's the humidity she needs to was this out
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