How to fix chams eye problem

I have seen this happen (eye enlarging and animal rubbing) and was alarmed at first. Yet it went down almost immediately. In my experience do not use chlorinated water direct use a conditioner to remove it. Do not over do the misting don't mist directly at the animal use a water dripper for hydrating the chameleons. Don't let the humidity get excessively high. My animals do fine even at low humidity and I think it is incorrect that this species requires rainforest conditions. If it does not go down then a simple ointment should fix it.
my 3 year old panther with eye cut and infection... HELP

hey chameleonforum users. i just bought a 3 year old panther ambilobe. when i bought him his eye was completly like glue down and to the back of his head. and you could really see the outline of where the eye shuts and closes. so i been giving him refresh eye drops and took showers with him to get the humidity real high. and THAT opened his eye and it was out like a normal eye. 2 days later he has his eye really poped out and its really irritated. its closed. the people that i got him from said that he got a cut on his eye from rubbing the vines on his eye. please let me know what i should do. and yes i mist. and he really looks healthy OTHER than his eye.???? please let me know as soon as possible. thanks
Yes, no doubt about it he needs vet help, theres nothing you can do :( except keep doing what your doing to make him comfratable until his appointment.
Depends on your vet. An antibiotic optic liquid (DON'T let them prescribe ointment or anything "thick") runs around $18 to $30, in my experience. The cost of a visit varies a ton. But you have to pony up for it, you bought the animal.
hey chameleonforum users. i just bought a 3 year old panther ambilobe. when i bought him his eye was completly like glue down and to the back of his head. and you could really see the outline of where the eye shuts and closes. so i been giving him refresh eye drops and took showers with him to get the humidity real high. and THAT opened his eye and it was out like a normal eye. 2 days later he has his eye really poped out and its really irritated. its closed. the people that i got him from said that he got a cut on his eye from rubbing the vines on his eye. please let me know what i should do. and yes i mist. and he really looks healthy OTHER than his eye.???? please let me know as soon as possible. thanks

Where do you live? Maybe someone here can recommed a good chameleon vet.
Many chameleons suffer eye problems due to vitamin A deficiencies. A vitamin A deficiency can cause serious problems in chameleons. The glands around the eye stop producing normal moist secretions which makes the eye irritated and painful. Over time, the eye may get very large as dead cells and thick secretions build up beneath the eyelid. It is very important to supplement their diet at least once a week with a vitamin powder that contains vitamin A. If the labels says "Vitamin A provided by beta-carotene" DO NOT USE IT!


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Many chameleons suffer eye problems due to vitamin A deficiencies. A vitamin A deficiency can cause serious problems in chameleons. The glands around the eye stop producing normal moist secretions which makes the eye irritated and painful. Over time, the eye may get very large as dead cells and thick secretions build up beneath the eyelid. It is very important to supplement their diet at least once a week with a vitamin powder that contains vitamin A. If the labels says "Vitamin A provided by beta-carotene" DO NOT USE IT!

Thanks for that picture...i have seen that type of thing before but never knew what it is!
There is nothing wrong with using a vitamin that says it contains beta carotene...the beta carotene won't build up in the system.....however....beta carotene is not prEformed (acetate, retinol, retinyl, etc.)

PrEformed sources of vitamin A will build up in the system and IMHO its not "safe" to just say that you can use a vitamin with it in once a need to be careful not to overdo it. The only way to determine for sure that lack of vitamin A is the problem is to have a test done by the vet.
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