how to get a young male veiled used to being held?


New Member
i have had my veiled for about a week now (since oct 1). i have a UVB and a heat lamp, lots of basking spots, climbing room, temperature variations, steady humidity, lots of gutloaded food, privacy...but he's very against me handling him.

when i first brought him home, he would crawl up onto my hand no problem! but now, he hisses and backs away whenever my hand approaches. i mist him by hand, i wonder if that's it? im the only one who feeds him, cleans his cage, or tries to handle him.

the lady at the pet store only said "a few months old"--my guess is 4-7 months, but i can be wrong. he is currently shedding. his coloring gets very brown-green and all around neutral when he is left alone and is in a resting position. he gets pale in the basking heat. he eats and drinks every day. he's very active.

should i try feeding him by hand, or letting him crawl up onto me like before, or....? i know that many veileds are territorial and aren't snuggly, but it would be a relief to know that i can take him out whenever i need to move or clean his tank.

thank you, cassie & dali <3

Has. To. Get. To know. You. &. You. Have. To earn. His. Trust. First
Talking. To him. Feeding. Him. And only. You.
Has. To. Get. To know. You. &. You. Have. To earn. His. Trust. First
Talking. To him. Feeding. Him. And only. You.

is there a way i can get him to eat from my hand? he loves his superworms, maybe that might work? i talk to him gently all day, and nobody else disturbs him or touches his enclosure at all....are there tips? things to avoid? thank you so much!
Welcome to the forums. How old is your chameleon? I have found once they are out of the cage they tend to be less shy and scared. I suggest opening his door and putting a large plant or tree in front of his cage and watch form a distance to see if he will come out on the plant. I would allow him to hang out on the plant a few times while you watch and then try hand feeding while he's on the plant and then in a few more days slowly offer him your hand from down low. They do not like anything coming at them from above. Here's my blog about general care and a blog about taming by Stan, one of our senior members.
My veiled chameleon is the same. Only been home 2 weeks and is letting me hand fed him but if I try and get him to walk on me, or put my hand near him he back away an hisses etc. so I have started to just open the viv and sit reading or something and just hang with him. I think it will take some time gain his trust but baby steps.. Good luck from one newbie to another
I would recommend making a schedule , as in same time every day feeding him. Try to hand feed him so feeders and if he doesn't take it , try holding a cup with a feeder and try to get him to take it from the cup. If he doesn't come around there is always tomorrow, patience is key. I've learned the more you interact while respecting them, not as a pet that you can do whatever you want with , but as a companion you will learn tons from your little guy. Getting a small tree for him to free range on has helped me alot! Its a complete attitude change from the cage to the tree! Best of luck!
Welcome to the forums. How old is your chameleon? I have found once they are out of the cage they tend to be less shy and scared. I suggest opening his door and putting a large plant or tree in front of his cage and watch form a distance to see if he will come out on the plant. I would allow him to hang out on the plant a few times while you watch and then try hand feeding while he's on the plant and then in a few more days slowly offer him your hand from down low. They do not like anything coming at them from above. Here's my blog about general care and a blog about taming by Stan, one of our senior members.

my guess is anywhere from 4-7 months, but i have no real info on when he was hatched. also, thank you for the welcome! :) i don't have a tree for him to climb on outside of his cage--do you have suggestions on what kind of tree to get? he seems interested when i present food in my hand, but has not yet taken from me. when i spray the glass walls, he goes nuts and starts drinking right away. thank you for the links! :D
I would recommend making a schedule , as in same time every day feeding him. Try to hand feed him so feeders and if he doesn't take it , try holding a cup with a feeder and try to get him to take it from the cup. If he doesn't come around there is always tomorrow, patience is key. I've learned the more you interact while respecting them, not as a pet that you can do whatever you want with , but as a companion you will learn tons from your little guy. Getting a small tree for him to free range on has helped me alot! Its a complete attitude change from the cage to the tree! Best of luck!

i try feeding him every day when i wake up--depending on work, can be between 7 and 9. what kind of tree should i get him? i have a window spot with lots of sun to grow one potted, if that's ok. thank you! :)
i try feeding him every day when i wake up--depending on work, can be between 7 and 9. what kind of tree should i get him? i have a window spot with lots of sun to grow one potted, if that's ok. thank you! :)

I made a "play area" for Merlin. It consisted of loose branches from outside in different heights , if you do this make sure you clean the branches. If you want to make a similar set up you could use hooks and hang some plants up like some pothos plants. As for the tree , I use a fake silk tree I got from 10$ on craigslist. It has been so much fun seeing him interact with the tree and with me when he wants out. On days I get him out, after I put him up he will pace a branch thats eye level next to my bed back and fourth until I give in and open the door again:rolleyes:
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