How to handle two chameleons together!!

ok so you call me Sledgehammer for what happened last time with a somewhat similar experience. Can I now call you maybe, Mallet or Ball peen hammer or Meat tenderizer or will I be penalized again just for suggesting it???
p.s. I would more than definetly be penalized for answering to what I just read about repeating something twice. Im biting my tongue and sitting on my hands.....:eek:

He just calls a hammer like he see's it. But the way I read it he is cool with you hammer and just playing by the name. Lighten up bro and move on.;)
Well, when you read something, your mind gives it a tone. If it sounds rude, your mind made it sound rude. There is something subconscious going on there. Whether or not that has to do with you wanting to hear it or not, i do not know.

While that's sometimes true, it's not always true. Sometimes, even the most objective reader will see that something is rude.
He just calls a hammer like he see's it. But the way I read it he is cool with you hammer and just playing by the name. Lighten up bro and move on.;)

Im all cool with it and I feel that joe knows it. this was just a return jab, nothing more or meant to be sarcastic or mean to anyone, just using the opportunity to crack a smile without having the ability to express it visually. Like I told joe once before, when I get my cham \I'm going to call him Sledge.:D
Im all cool with it and I feel that joe knows it. this was just a return jab, nothing more or meant to be sarcastic or mean to anyone, just using the opportunity to crack a smile without having the ability to express it visually. Like I told joe once before, when I get my cham \I'm going to call him Sledge.:D

Then I say GET HIM! I love Joe's posts and glad all is well with u2:D
Well, when you read something, your mind gives it a tone. If it sounds rude, your mind made it sound rude. There is something subconscious going on there. Whether or not that has to do with you wanting to hear it or not, i do not know.

While what you wrote is true, let's check out some of the comments this thread initially received and then tell me it's just my subconscious.

:eek: holy crap. keep them separated. you really needed us to tell you that? the near meal experience should have been a clear indication.

Clearly he wasn't planning on feeding one off...

You've answered your own question. :)

And Jo and javsto going on about hammers or something...

I'm not saying this wasn't a foolish question. Obviously someone didn't do any research on the matter. But we are all here to discuss chameleons, something we all enjoy. We can do a lot more good if we don't berate new posters. Anyone with online gaming experience knows what forums can devolve into, I certainly do :D I don't see much point in that happening here.
I'm sorry OP about the comments that came across as rude. Don't get discouraged. I feel if you read more than you reply/comment here, the better off you will be. Even the most "experienced" chameleon person here can be wrong and I have read where they are. My suggestion, read several forums and online books regarding the raising of any reptiles. Find a good "exotic" vet too. And lastly, WELCOME!! I'm new here too, but not new to the reptile fun!!
Okay, so I have a female who is pretty good size. Probably about 1/2-3/4 her full size. She has been really healthy and good since I have had her. Today I just bought a baby male. He is about 2inch. I introduced them and at first the female tried to eat him, so I blocked her from being able too. Then after a bit I introduced again and the little one crawled on the females body but the female didnt like it one bit. She kept moving around till he got off.. then after the little male realized she doesnt want him he just flees away so I plan on keeping them seperate. I need some advice. I dont know if they will be able to be together. If not maybe only to mate in the future. HELP!!

absolutely do not keep them together.

even if they were the same size you should not keep them together...
I'm not saying this wasn't a foolish question. Obviously someone didn't do any research on the matter. But we are all here to discuss chameleons, something we all enjoy. We can do a lot more good if we don't berate new posters. Anyone with online gaming experience knows what forums can devolve into, I certainly do :D I don't see much point in that happening here.

He/she should be counting thier lucky stars that this place isnt like any WOW forum or live in game chat session. ooofahhh there are some mean ppl on there, just for asking the most mundane or innocent question they eat you alive, at least on the dawnbringer horde server...
One time I built a cage, and I used a little duct tape... and I was eaten alive for it, but then again, Im used to getting death threats for my videos on YouTube so a few jokes didn't bother me. Bottom line is, the many experienced members on this site can and will gladly provide you with an amazing amount of great information for no charge whatsoever. Who cares if they serve it with a side dish of some good humored sarcasm. :)
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