How to let Panther chamaeleo drink liquid medicine?


New Member
Vet. give me a few liquid medicine,but I have no idea let panther open her mouth.
Does any body know good idea?
I gently grab the gullet and pull down. don't pinch it. The chameleon will try and pull away thus opening his mouth.
Try dripping some water on the chameleon's nose (at the tip)...when it starts to drink put the medication (using a needleless syringe) into its mouth gently (don't squirt it in). If you get the tip of the syringe in its mouth fairly quickly by bringing it up from below it likely won't even notice its being done.
Liquid medicine.......

Some chameleons will open their mouths for you if you touch the back of the neck or head. This works for the fiesty ones. If you have a tame one you can offer a treat with your fingers and drop the medicine in while they are eating. Be careful if you pull down on the gullet pouch. I once bruised a chameleon doing that. I treat enough wild caught chameleons for parasites that I bought several ball-tipped/curved stainless steel needles that fit onto a syringe tip. Those make it real easy to get the correct dose into the chameleon. Good luck :)
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