how to tell what kind of species it is


New Member
How can i tell what kind of veiled i have when i bought it they just said it was a veiled i thought that was pretty generic
i think there is because it has a lower casque when fully grown...

there is a cham that im not sure of the name ( a guess is the african cham? correct me if im wrong
that can mate with a veiled but i dont think it is a subspecies.
i think that the chences of getting one are very small compared
to getting a veiled. its more probable to get a veiled.
someone will chime in with the right species.
she is about as long as my pinkie i would hold her but she gets kinda moody


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You have a Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus. The subspecies that is currently described for the Veiled Chameleon is Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarifer, but this has been shown to be a hybrid between the veiled chameleon and the Arabian chameleon, Chamaeleo arabicus, and as such, really shouldn't be a subspecies. Your chances of getting either a Ch. arabicus or a Ch. c. calcarifer are currently almost nonexistent.

Sunburst, Turquoise(sp), cross is what color genetics they have.
High yellow, high blue, etc
The female you own wont have much color at all.
Mostly a pale green with blue spots, and a gravid coloration of black with yellow/orange spots and blue spots running down her back.

She looks regular because she is so young.
She is probablly around 2 months old. +- a couple weeks.

Most female chameleons are less colorfull then males.
Exceptions include Carpets (F. Lat)
Yea, that is a stress pattern.
I'm sure she only looks like that when you put your hand in the cage or take pictures.
The rest of the time she is a solid green.
It takes up to 15 months for chameleons to get all of their colors.
Veiled males are usually in the 1 year range.
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