Hulk has become very aggressive...


New Member
I have a veiled chameleon named Hulk who is 5 months old. He has always hissed when you try to put your hand over top of him but would always come to me if it was underneath him. Lately, he won't let me get near him and if i try to he will just try to attack my hand. I open his cage everyday to feed him and he puffs up when i do. I'm not sure what to do about this. Any help?
chameleon puberty lmao..
if you get a chance, give him a chin rub and have a "moment" with him. it might work, that's what i do with my female when she gets on a pissy streak and she calms down immediately.
you might get bitten though.
I have a veiled chameleon named Hulk who is 5 months old. He has always hissed when you try to put your hand over top of him but would always come to me if it was underneath him. Lately, he won't let me get near him and if i try to he will just try to attack my hand. I open his cage everyday to feed him and he puffs up when i do. I'm not sure what to do about this. Any help?

You just have a veiled they are pretty pissy.. My male doesn't let me get close to him, at all. So i let him be.. he is happy and so am I.
I have a veiled chameleon named Hulk who is 5 months old. He has always hissed when you try to put your hand over top of him but would always come to me if it was underneath him. Lately, he won't let me get near him and if i try to he will just try to attack my hand. I open his cage everyday to feed him and he puffs up when i do. I'm not sure what to do about this. Any help?

He's a teenager. Some veileds mellow out again once they are full adults but some don't. Aren't hormones h*&$l?
I'll try to rub his chin but i'm not trying to get bit in the process. I never thought about his age being a factor but i'm praying it is! Thanks guys!!!:D
He wouldn't let me get close to him to even try to pet him. I have a lot of other reptiles and they have never been aggressive towards me. Some of them probably would never get aggressive in general though. I have 2 Sulcata Tortoises, box turtle, water dragon and a bearded dragon and they have never seemed to get like that.. I use to take him out all the time when he was younger and let him just hangout me but now that he has been acting the way he has, it's hard for me to even get near his cage... I just hope it's his teenage years and he just discovered puberty. I'll keep trying though.
He wouldn't let me get close to him to even try to pet him. I have a lot of other reptiles and they have never been aggressive towards me. Some of them probably would never get aggressive in general though. I have 2 Sulcata Tortoises, box turtle, water dragon and a bearded dragon and they have never seemed to get like that.. I use to take him out all the time when he was younger and let him just hangout me but now that he has been acting the way he has, it's hard for me to even get near his cage... I just hope it's his teenage years and he just discovered puberty. I'll keep trying though.

Oh many chams are just divas compared to those other species. I don't think you need to "keep trying" right now. Offer him favorite feeder treats, keep your cage chores and activity to a routine (chams are re-assured by predictability), and let him get through it. If he mellows out, great. If not, you aren't going to change him anyway.
LOL, thats a veild for ya. Maybe he will calm down. Or just get worse. LOL:p Good luck, taming your beast.
thank you all. He is still the same as he always has been lately. My question is, superworms are kind of super and he isn't very big so should i wait to feed him some? I'm not sure of any other kind of "treat" to feed him. He just recently started acting like Hulk, the real one. I just hope he mellows out a little bit. It's hard to clean his cage when he won't come out of it, or to take him outside to relax!
at6-8 months old my male went through this puberty stage... he was crazy agressive i couldnt even walk in the same room without them hissing at me!!!!!!!!!!!!! just leave him alone dont try to hold him during this time!!!!!!!!its not gonna happen!lol....just make sure his eatting and drinking during this time... after mine went through this he went on a month long some hornworms and silkworm on if he doesnt eat.....
Gotta love veileds!!! if you want a mellow cham thats big and you have the room get and oustalates they are awesome and mellow!!!
nobody mentioned handfeeding? that surprises me. Handfeed him silkworms or w/e worm you are comfortable with in your hand. I wouldn't advise doing this with hornworms those really look like they can inflict a nasty bite lmao
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