Humidifiers: reg cold or ultrasonic?

We had one in the living room and one in a spare bedroom - where two of the Chams are. It filled the entire place not with soft water mist but a smoky substance that yes, made both my wife and I gag and cough. You couldn't see the T.V. from the mist but again it didn't seem like a harmless moisture mist.

I was terrified if we were gagging if the Chams were suffocated. I'm hoping they wake up this morning.

The RO is fine. I just changed the filters last month. Local water is so bad and hard it would ruin the unit within months.

I used the same RO water in the warm air and no problems at all. We have an expensive Venta humidifier in the bedroom and no issues although its not ultrasonic. Andrew has a Venta in his Cham room and I never smelled anything but its a $100/unit and hot and cool mist. I only need cool mist.

Maybe I'll run one outside for a couple hours and see if it calms down before I return them. Sucks as I already bought the 2" pipe and cut it up.
i used ro water with the mist maker and it would splutter..god knows why but soon as i used tap water it would stop i stopped using it..trouble is my tap water is 360ppm so it ends up with a thick layer of lime scale after heavy use.
Ours has so much minerals (bad ones) it would be a calcified slime pie in a month.

Both are doing it. I'm calling the manufacturer now.

Update: I just spoke to them and the rep said no matter what water I use that theirs will send up clouds of "white dust" which is a reaction to ionizing the water. He said there's no getting around it. Since the Venta that Andrew has didn't do it I suspect its the technology they use. He recommended a cool air model V3850 that will also shut off once the required humidity is reached. Its about the same price. I'll see if I can get a couple of those.
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Ours has so much minerals (bad ones) it would be a calcified slime pie in a month.

Both are doing it. I'm calling the manufacturer now.

they have a blue filter for hard water that you attach in the machine.
it should come with the original packaging.
if smoke came instead of mist, seems like it's burning... :(
you should return them.
Ours has so much minerals (bad ones) it would be a calcified slime pie in a month.

Both are doing it. I'm calling the manufacturer now.

Update: I just spoke to them and the rep said no matter what water I use that theirs will send up clouds of "white dust" which is a reaction to ionizing the water. He said there's no getting around it. Since the Venta that Andrew has didn't do it I suspect its the technology they use. He recommended a cool air model V3850 that will also shut off once the required humidity is reached. Its about the same price. I'll see if I can get a couple of those.

Did you find out where you can buy one? A quick online search doesn't make it any easier to get one :(

I have the 5100 as well and its quiet but its making the smelly mist... mine came with the mineral filter and it had this yellow liquid wthat came out when i soaked it per instuctions... but as it did not say to rinse filter thuroughly I just used it....;

If i can find the 3850 I'll take this one back to target thanks.
I've got the Air-O-Swiss but have never hooked it up to a cage because of the fine white dust that it creates and deposits on anything in the immediate area of the fog. I haven't used it all that much (got it in the spring and didn't need it in the summer) but I'd rate it 3 stars. The timers are pretty stupidly designed, and it's fairly cumbersome to fill (wish you could just pour new water in from the top). I've never had any problems w gagging or smell though.
Do you have the mineral filter in it? Is it the 7135? There's zero white dust from mine. Even the Venta didn't have any white dust. Cheaper ones do.

All humidifiers I'm aware of are filled from the bottom.
Yeah, it's the 7135 and I've got the AG+ Silver filter in it. It's not a lot of white dust - but noticeable accumulation over a couple weeks of using 1 tub of water a day. I remember reading that some tap water will just produce it no matter what, and distilled is too expensive to keep buying to fill it.
I use refill water from the local meijers for .29 a gallon. Its culligan drinking water, reverse osmosis, filtered, uv treated, whole nine yards.

Other places charge .49+ The water doesn't have to be distilled. Its the same water I use in the dripper and my sprayer.

I used a winnie the pooh ultrasonic humidifier from walgreens when they were on clearance over the summer for $9.

When I used softened water from the tap, it would leave that nasty white dust all over. I had to open my Xbox360 and other disc based devices and clean the white dust off. Now that I use the culligan water, no white ick. I took a medium sized gravel vacuum filter from aquarium adventure and hot glued it over the round hole under the pooh head. It came with tubing so that I could pipe it to the top of the screen cage..

Ill post a picture later.
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