humidity HELP

It looks great to me.
Running the dripper all day is ideal, in my opinion, and that collection bucket is fine.
45% humidity is great for a veiled. Try to get at least a couple of good mistings in per day ... 30 seconds to a minute each and spray the plants down really well.

You will be better off propping the cage up on some rack and putting a big bucket underneath...possibly a big rubbermaid container. You should be misting so much that its dripping all over.
considered closing the window behind your cage...?Also a ceiling fan or other air cirulation devices will also dec humidity.

Hope it helps

i hate to piggy back on a thread, but this is related. Would it hurt to have a towel draped over the back of the enclosure during misting and or long term? It'd certainly help with keeping the humidity up. The cage is open screen on 3 sides so i'd think there would still be plenty of airflow considering the side with the towel is up against a wall. I doused my wall misting earlier in the day. Still working the tweeks out before my cham shows up.
Like Brad said if the humidity is about 45% and then spikes up higher during mistings that would be fine. But if it drops real low again all the time just put a himidifier in the room with him. If he is still a baby I wouldn't put it on his cage, just in the room near him. Also it looks like you have one of those crummy little temp and humidity gauges. Those are garbage (i know from experience). Try and get a digital temp/humidity gauge. You will get a MUCH more accurate reading. Hope this helps!
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