Hunger strike for worms

As far as whether it will go quick outside of the fridge, it lasts for six months for sure in a cool, dark, dry place. Fridge will just make it last longer.
Do they get benefits of the sun even in a shady area outside? Also i open the window on nice days in the cham room, does this provide any uvb/benefits(with the glass open, only screen)
If the sun shines through the screen even at various moments yes it will, if he's free ranging at the time in front of the screen it will be even better. As for the shade it depends on how the shade is cast and how much of the actual rays are being blocked out. I take my Jackson out later than peak sun hours but she still gets plenty. Also during cloudy days are perfectly find because the clouds don't filter out enough sun to be an issue.
people still get sunburns on cloudy days. Which means you are still getting the suns rays. However, as Andy mentioned clouds do filter some out. And with the window, if its just screen AND sun is shining through, absolutely. best option if you cant set up outdoor enclosure.
This sounds EXACTLY like my Chamelon now. Starve him. 5 days,
nothing. Will not kill him at all. Mine craves supers. It's the only thing he will consistently eat. Absolutely will not touch roaches or crickets right now. We spoil these guys and they are smart enough to learn they can pick what they wnat because THEY ARE NOT they say hmmmm, yeah not that today. If he is hungry, he will eat whatever you offer. I got mine into a bad habit of eating everyday when his old owner only fed every 2-3 days. They throw a crap ton of bugs in for them.

glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem, Alfie recently has refused everything but superworms, was advised to take him to the vet and get him checked over, everything clear, no parasites etc, so e's just being fussy.was advised to starve him as he's just being fussy. For the last week I've fed him alternate days only with crickets and locusts, which he's refusing. Now a battle of wills man vs cham. fussy little bugger.
glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem, Alfie recently has refused everything but superworms, was advised to take him to the vet and get him checked over, everything clear, no parasites etc, so e's just being fussy.was advised to starve him as he's just being fussy. For the last week I've fed him alternate days only with crickets and locusts, which he's refusing. Now a battle of wills man vs cham. fussy little bugger.
I had a fecal down and everything was clear.
glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem, Alfie recently has refused everything but superworms, was advised to take him to the vet and get him checked over, everything clear, no parasites etc, so e's just being fussy.was advised to starve him as he's just being fussy. For the last week I've fed him alternate days only with crickets and locusts, which he's refusing. Now a battle of wills man vs cham. fussy little bugger.
I had a breeder friend tell me he literally ate a superworm and the insides taste just like peanut butter. Mine became addicted so now I only feed him one or two a week and I shove a roach in his mouth while he is still smacking his lips. He has not ate hardly anything past two weeks. Yesterday I offered a med size horn and he took it almost instantly. And then he took the second one I bought tang was suppose to be for my Beardie . She is a fatty anyhow. I have her on a diet of just veggies and every other to every three days she gets a couple of big roaches. Going to stop offering her sipers as much. Just too fatty. She was gaining weight which she doesn't need.
I like the idea of sneaking a roach in there. and ewww ate a superworm?!
Yep. A friend told him about it and told him to try it. He said it really does taste like peanut butter. I however am not so brave to try it. I tried about half a nightcrawler and almost threw no buggies for me.
I don't know if this will help because Ive never done it myself, but I have heard of tricking your cham into eating things. I watched a video on a insect swap. They help the Silkworm in their fingers so it sat on top of heir fingers. Just as the cham was about to strike they flipped their fingers over and he would grab the less desired insect. If you are concerned about nutrition I would try that and see how it works. Not sure about the long term stuff or effects but thought it might help!
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