hunger strike -.-


New Member
well, linus hasnt eaten in two days, and normally he eats his cup clean :/ ive offered crickets, superworms, and butterworms, and he hasnt touched them...i might let a few crickets loose in his cage tomorrow to see if they will bring out his predatory instinct and he may eat them, but not sure what else to do...he has been doing soo well eating wise until now :/
how old is linus?

about 8 or 9 months im guessing. the site said 5 months, but theres no way he is. i had him on a regular eat every other day schedule with maybe a couple crickets on his in between days. he would normally gorge down about 10 crix and a small superworm or two, and the next he would eat maybe about 3 crix, and so on. monday he only had 4 crix cuz it was his in between day and he didnt touch the 10 crix and superworms on tuesday, which was odd, and i offered a couple crix and different worms yesterday and he didnt touch them :/ and he didnt eat today as well and i offered the same i did yesterday..
My chameleon is doing the same thing right now, I think it's the seasonal changes, but you should try a different diet.
My chameleon is doing the same thing right now, I think it's the seasonal changes, but you should try a different diet.

thats all i got right now, and ive offered everything, crix, mealworms, superworms, butterworms, and waxworms (which i really dont want to use) and he hasnt been interested in anything :/ id order silkworms or somethin, but im not 18 yet -.- and begging my mom is ridiculous sometimes :p
well, i broke his hunger strike :p for some reason, he lost interest completely in his cup :( i let some loose when i got home (after finding out he hasnt touched the crix in his cup) and he went nuts! i found his weakness ;) he cannot resist the crix that crawl on the screen! he was zapping them left and right, even took one from my hand :) but is there any way to get him eating from his cup again? he ate out of it fine for a week! id really like him to eat his dusted crix from there so they dont lose their dusting running wild in his cage...

Amanda, he is stunning! I can't wait til my Monty gets that big! Those horns are amazing! Have you thought about trying a different cup or container?
Most chameleons won't even eat out of a cup at all, mine ate out of a coconut (you can find them at petsmart) for about six months, now he eats off them screen.
Most chameleons won't even eat out of a cup at all, mine ate out of a coconut (you can find them at petsmart) for about six months, now he eats off them screen.

Actually alot of our chameleons eat out of cups.
Or our hands.
For many of the people on here who free range, cup feeding or hand feeding is the only way they eat.

(and fyi, out of a coconut is still cup feeding, just the 'cup' is a coconut) ;)
well, i broke his hunger strike :p for some reason, he lost interest completely in his cup :( i let some loose when i got home (after finding out he hasnt touched the crix in his cup) and he went nuts! i found his weakness ;) he cannot resist the crix that crawl on the screen! he was zapping them left and right, even took one from my hand :) but is there any way to get him eating from his cup again? he ate out of it fine for a week! id really like him to eat his dusted crix from there so they dont lose their dusting running wild in his cage...


What a gorgeous boy! I want a Jackson I think.
Amanda, I'm a Panther lover, but jacksons are starting to get me..:)
Your chameleon looks great! The fat stored on is tail says that he's not underfed anyway!;)
Good you were worried, but 2 days without food at his age shouldn't be a problem..:)
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