I've started second guessing lately if Pepper might be unhappy in her cage for some reason, rather than just being a bottomless stomache that knows I'm the food-bringer and demands my attention whenever she sees me
so I just want to make sure everything still looks good and maybe get some reassurance that she's just oddly curious/demanding of me!
Nearly every time I walk into the room she will start wall climbing or sometimes "sky walking" as I call it (climbing across the ceiling of the cage lol) like she's trying to get my attention/get out, and as soon as I get the cage door open she will come scampering out and usually climbs right up my hand/arm with no apparent fear or hesitation. I just want to be sure it's not because there's something off about her cage/care!
Chameleon Info:
Cage Info:
I'll attach some updates pics of her cage showing the plant placement as well as the lights above the cage, I have thought of 2 possible things that maybe contribute to her acting so 'antsy' if she is actually uncomfortable:
- her uvb is due for replacement next month, I have a new bulb arriving with my feeder order. I don't have a UVB meter but perhaps her bulb is weakening too much already? I think reptisun t5ho need replaced every 6 months, correct?
- could it be that the cage is too densely planted the way I have it setup and she feels exposed? I've been trying to brainstorm ideas for setting it up where the plants can bush out and even flow down from above (like the tradescantia) but so far my attempts at hanging the pots haven't worked well, they get too heavy after misting and the side starts to now inwards?? Any thoughts?
Edit: whoops, forgot the pictures

Nearly every time I walk into the room she will start wall climbing or sometimes "sky walking" as I call it (climbing across the ceiling of the cage lol) like she's trying to get my attention/get out, and as soon as I get the cage door open she will come scampering out and usually climbs right up my hand/arm with no apparent fear or hesitation. I just want to be sure it's not because there's something off about her cage/care!
Chameleon Info:
- Your Chameleon - female veiled, possibly around 9-10 months old. I've had her since June of this year, about 5 months or so
- Handling - as often as she chooses/allows, but rarely longer than 15 minutes at a time. It's most often when I notice she's "begging" to come out, as described above
- Feeding - I feed her 3 times a week now, recently I've only had BSFL and crickets but I have an order for more Dubia coming in Friday. I'm using repashy bug burger in general with water crystals, and gut loading with repashy superload and veggies before feeding
- Supplements - Repashy calcium NoD almost every feeding, and Repashy LoD 2x a month for D3/multivitamin
- Watering - mister set to go off on a schedule daily (2 minutes in the AM, 2 minutes just before lights out in the PM, and a 30 second mid-afternoon mist in case they want a drink). I haven't seen her drink in my presence recently but I did when I first got her
- Fecal Description - good large brown turd log with a smaller amount of white, and minimal orange/yellow color in between
Cage Info:
- Cage Type - screen cage with back and sides wrapped with a shower curtain, front and top are fully open screen. Cage is 2x reptibreeze mediums put together, about 32" wide by 16" deep and 30" tall
- Lighting - lights are on from 9am to 9pm, uvb is reptisun 5.0 T5HO and basking is a zoo med halogen basking bulb
- Temperature - I have digital thermometers with probes, one is zip ties to her basking branch (most days it's 80-80.5 F, but it's getting colder here lately so the temp is slightly lower some days while I get the indoor temps more evened out) and another is placed on the opposite end within the lower branches, it usually is 72-74 F.
- Humidity - digital hygrometers reading up to 50% during the day around misting time but usually between 40-45%. At night it gets to about 55-60% usually.
- Plants - ficus Benjamina, pothos, tradescantia, previously had some croton too but I removed it in order to put more tradescantia in instead.
- Placement - in my spare bedroom (basically the reptile room at this point
), her cage is visible from the hallway and she'll usually see me when I walk past. Her basking branch is just at eye level for me (I'm 5'5" for reference)
- Location - Midwestern US, Illinois
- Other - the larger black plant pot on the left half of the cage is filled just under halfway with a 50/50 mix of sand and top soil in case she ever needs to lay eggs. There are some sticks coming out of it for her to climb in/out and holes and screen on the bottom to drain excess water.
I'll attach some updates pics of her cage showing the plant placement as well as the lights above the cage, I have thought of 2 possible things that maybe contribute to her acting so 'antsy' if she is actually uncomfortable:
- her uvb is due for replacement next month, I have a new bulb arriving with my feeder order. I don't have a UVB meter but perhaps her bulb is weakening too much already? I think reptisun t5ho need replaced every 6 months, correct?
- could it be that the cage is too densely planted the way I have it setup and she feels exposed? I've been trying to brainstorm ideas for setting it up where the plants can bush out and even flow down from above (like the tradescantia) but so far my attempts at hanging the pots haven't worked well, they get too heavy after misting and the side starts to now inwards?? Any thoughts?
Edit: whoops, forgot the pictures