I don't want my little cham to die!

I guess I should have used a different word than bashing... It just seemed like a couple comments where like people only come here when there Cham is sick. Yes your correct they do because they are concerned about there Cham. Is it their's or my fault? Most likely because we didn't do the research on caring for one before we took responsibility caring for one. I understand you senior members are most likely tired of hearing the same questions with sometimes the same results but have you ever helped some one unprepared to own a Cham with there problems and had a happy ending? I hate to say it but George looked to far gone for anyone on a Forum to help with but saying stuff like that after he posted he passed away was uncool. Call it how you see it but that's my 2cents.

I still don't see any harsh posts directed at the OP. What am I missing? We tried to help by asking questions, but were too late. Then the thread turned to other member questions.
Your missing the point.

What was said about people coming to the site only when there Cham is sick. You can make your own tread for that, not say it right after the guy posted he died. "We" I didn't see you offer help or even any condolences to the guy. No disrespect but whatever, sorry for chiming in on this one.
Your missing the point.

What was said about people coming to the site only when there Cham is sick. You can make your own tread for that, not say it right after the guy posted he died. "We" I didn't see you offer help or even any condolences to the guy. No disrespect but whatever, sorry for chiming in on this one.

My first post on this thread didn't happen until after the little cham died. "We" was figurative.
Again no disrespect carlton. I felt bad for the guy and more for George. It just looked bad to me. Maybe I blew it out of perspective. If so I apologize.
Sorry your chameleon died. The truth is, he most likely didn't just become that bad all of the sudden. Sadly chameleons are good at masking sickness and once you notice they are sick it's often too late. If you plan on getting another, which I think you should, do some research here about proper husbandry and everything they need so you can make sure you give him the best care.
I am really sorry he didn't make it! I know I'd be crushed if my little guys didn't! Sometimes things happen that we can't fix. But now u and I have learned about these forums to learn more and share our Cham love together! So hope u stick around!
Sorry your chameleon died. The truth is, he most likely didn't just become that bad all of the sudden. Sadly chameleons are good at masking sickness and once you notice they are sick it's often too late. If you plan on getting another, which I think you should, do some research here about proper husbandry and everything they need so you can make sure you give him the best care.

I don't think chams are particularly good at masking illness. I think their caregivers aren't good at picking up a problem, and there are many reasons for that. I think if one is very observant, and has observed healthy, one can learn to see when things aren't right. There definitely a skill at reading the health of a chameleon and it is something that is learned. Maybe some people can never learn it but it isn't because the chameleon is not exhibiting behavior indicating all is not well.

I too am sorry that George passed.
I don't think chams are particularly good at masking illness. I think their caregivers aren't good at picking up a problem, and there are many reasons for that. I think if one is very observant, and has observed healthy, one can learn to see when things aren't right. There definitely a skill at reading the health of a chameleon and it is something that is learned. Maybe some people can never learn it but it isn't because the chameleon is not exhibiting behavior indicating all is not well.

I too am sorry that George passed.

Hmm. Maybe that is true. I am quite the opposite, because I think that there is something wrong with my chameleons all the time even when there's nothing wrong. I am very paranoid that they are going to get sick !
He was a wild caught that I bought online from floridaherps, I'm still really upset about losing him and sorry that I only had one post to anyone who was confused about that. I have been a member for much longer than the time I posted this and I promise I did as much research as I could before I even bought him. I'm going to be getting a cb panther for my next cham as the husbandry requirements are much easier to meet (the graceful cham required really high humidity all the time which was hard to maintain with my mesh cage) and they are just absolutely beautiful. I will definitely post much more when I get the new guy and show all you guys how he grows up. I'm just so confused on how george died and really never want to live through that again. Thanks to all who commented
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