I got Dubias for cheap!!!


New Member
I have been wanting to get into the roaches for a while so I went to the local Exotic Pet Shop and got a nice starter colony of more or less 120 dubia and i only paid 15.00 dollars...I almost bought a 100 roaches from a guy for 50 bucks, and thanks to theroachranch.com i have a good setup and am glad to be gettin rid of crickets...
they seem much easier to wrangle than a cricket all that jumping and they make no noise what so ever unlike what?????CRICKETS
they seem much easier to wrangle than a cricket all that jumping and they make no noise what so ever unlike what?????CRICKETS

Not to rain on your parade or anything but how many adults did you get in the 120? 120 adult dubia for $15.00 is a great deal. 120 mixed nymphs means you will not be able to touch them for feeding for quite a while. It will take several months for the nymphs to get to the size where they are breeding. By several I dont exactly know what I mean since I have not had any of the nymphs in my colony get to adult size yet and I have had them going for 6 months. But the more adults you have the quicker they will breed so you just have to be patient and use other feeders until they are putting out enough for you to sustain your herps. Do not feed adults off to your chams. It will result in taking longer for your colony to get going full steam.
Not to rain on your parade or anything but how many adults did you get in the 120? 120 adult dubia for $15.00 is a great deal. 120 mixed nymphs means you will not be able to touch them for feeding for quite a while. It will take several months for the nymphs to get to the size where they are breeding. By several I dont exactly know what I mean since I have not had any of the nymphs in my colony get to adult size yet and I have had them going for 6 months. But the more adults you have the quicker they will breed so you just have to be patient and use other feeders until they are putting out enough for you to sustain your herps. Do not feed adults off to your chams. It will result in taking longer for your colony to get going full steam.

Can the roaches crawl up plastic, like for feeder cups?
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