I have some questions!


New Member
My chameleon has been acting weird lately! He would be walking weirdly and sleeping more than usual. The other day he was chillin on my girls shirt and he started rubbing the side of his face on her shirt and one eye would get bigger than the other then they would switch.. is it something i should watch out for? Is it signs of sickness or death? :(
You said he is "sleeping more than usual" - does that mean he is sleeping during the day? Or do you just mean he is going to his sleeping perch early, before the lights are out, or waking up later after the lights come on?

Sleeping during the day is a bad sign - it indicates stress or possibly something wrong medically.
If he is going to bed earlier than the lights go off, it could mean that you're keeping your lights on too late. Try to stick to a 12hour light cycle.
If he is taking a long time to start moving around in the morning when the lights come on, it could mean that the ambient temps are too low in the cage. This is normal during winter - they sometimes wait a while until the ambient temps climb during the day before they become active.

You said he is "walking weirdly"? What do you mean by this: is he falling, missing branches, struggling to hold onto his perches? This could be a sign of MBD. Hard to tell without photos or a more detailed description.

Please use the following link as a guide to posting more details about your cham's current situation: https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/ (and add photos if you can!)
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