I just got a new baby beardie!!!


Established Member
as the title says i just got a female beardie. i have named her pinto and she is already eating like crazy. 20 crix in one sitting. and the only prob is that she wont eat her veggies so i am buying some of that baby dragon food. can anyone suggest how to get her to eat veggies and the like??? other than that its all good. i will post pics tomorrow.
What kind of beardie is she? If you give her a few days with vegies she should learn to like them really quickly. We breed them and have yet to find any that wont eat them. What are you giving her? You will find that they will have their favorites and other stuff they won't touch. All individuals.

she is a common beardie, she is 5-7 weeks old. like 5.5 inches long (she wouldnt sit still). i first tried to feed shredded carrots, a lil bit of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, shredded apple and occasionally dandelion greens. but im now going to try some of that premade stuff. the peeps at the reptile show were feeding them all that and they were eating it.
this morning i just woke up all of the animals and my baby beardie isnt moving. no breathing or nothing. so i like did mini cpr and put her under the heat lamp and she has gotten better, now breathing, can walk but not very well. the only thing i notice is a little problem with her right back leg. when my parents get home i will take her to the emergency vet. i am freaking out. this time for real.
I hope your beardie will be ok.
I'm afraid I don't have any advise. I have 2 beardies, but I adopted them as adults, I have zero experience with babies.

Good luck!
yeah thanks anyway. i put her on her basking rock and she is sitting there just basking and moving her head around and looking. i think she is gonna pull through. i know the husbandry is right except she wont eat her veggies. im gonna get some of that premade food just to see if shell eat it.

EDIT: i dont think the legs are the prob any more. i thing she hurt her ribs or something like that.

edit two: ive noticed that she is more alert and more active with no appearance of harm, but something seems fishy.
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we recently got a baby too for our roommate, and at first she ate up A LOT of crickets and as well stopped moving around. She was breathing ok and alert, but just very lathargic. I guess maybe they just get stuffed if you allow them to consume too many crickets at once and they've gotta be tough to pass too. I mean, baby beardies are tiny, and if you add up the weight of 20 crickets AND veggies, she had to have consumed more than her body weight. Imagine what would happen to you if you consumed more than your body weight in less than a day? I think I'd sit pretty still too...lol

Just something to think about, not that im an expert.
yeah, she literally ate a ton so she was pretty sluggish. she is now better. i also think it was because she wasnt hot enough. it used to be 98 degrees, but now ive read her temps have to be like 115-120, so those are her temps now. she is much more active now.
Where did you read Pygmy chams like to be cooked?!:eek:
Everything I have read says hit 80 and you are talking potentially lethal.:confused:
Duh! Stoopid me. I thought you were talking about chameleons (the forum and all) enjoy your Bearded Dragon baby – hope it's all right.

Sorry for the confusion. (whew! 120=poached pygmy)

Time for a coffee (or some Concerta)
My Dragons won't eat the premade stuff. What I did to get mine to eat greens was I would put there superworms or a few wax worms in the dish with the greens, the movement catches their eye. They eventually got some on accident, and started to like it. Also try hand feeding her green by waving a leaf in front of her face. Also as was said... They are very individual type lizards... They will literally pick around stuff, and take only what looks good to them... So keep trying other stuff... Maybe try to shred it up a bit more, Try to add some color variety... She will start to eat it eventually. Also keep the salad somewhere mid tank, between the cool side and the Basking side. I think raising your temps was a good idea... That should really make a big difference... Baby beardies like it hot! Good luck with her... You should post some pics of her and her tank.

would a compact bulb be ok. i take her outside for at least an hour a day so i think she needs no uv, but im being safe. also can i feed her some supers, she is sooo small im not sure she can handle it. also she ate a huge 1'' cricket so would a med size super be okay.
last night a few people were talking about the dangers of the compact 5.0 bulbs ive used them on all my chams and never had any problems i was just wondering if anyone has had multiple problems with these bulbs i probably used them since they were first available with out one problem
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