I need help!


New Member
Does anyone know about any nutritious, yet "fun" food for my baby cham that he WONT get bored of? Id appreciate it if you can tell me.
Because im pretty sure he's getting sick and tired of em cricks.
so yeah, anyone have any knowlege about this that you can share?:D
I agree, hatching some maggots (get it in fishing stores) will activate the chameleons greatly. Not the best food, but a good supplement.
I usually put them in a old soda bottle with some airholes and a rolled up newspapres sheet, and let them metamorphize in there. Its easier to "dose" them that way as they WILL fly.

Keep some in the fridge and take them out with a week apart to get a continuos supply.

Grasshoppers, locust and cockroaches are great to mix into the diet.
I dont know about too big, they come in all sizes. Use the ones that have the right size...
Both silkworms and superworms are excellent feeders. How old is your baby cham? I have not found baby chams to get bored of any feeder-they always seem ready to eat!

My baby is a 3 and 1/2 month old Red-barred Ambilobe Panther chameleon :D
actually its not really him thats getting bored of the feeders. haha
its me! im sick of catching escaped crickets and getting yelled at by that. lol
My baby is a 3 and 1/2 month old Red-barred Ambilobe Panther chameleon :D
actually its not really him thats getting bored of the feeders. haha
its me! im sick of catching escaped crickets and getting yelled at by that. lol

Why/how are they escaping? If you cup feed use a cup that is deep enough or pinch off a hind leg. If you free range just make sure the cage is sealed well.

Is this the same cham with the URI? Are you treating him?
Does anyone know about any nutritious, yet "fun" food for my baby cham that he WONT get bored of?

They can get bored of almost anything, if that's all they get. Though usually they dont hunger strike until older.
You can offer small, appropriatlely sized silkworms, butterworms, terrestrial isopods, stick insects, roaches, superworms, flies....

This blog entry lists many of the feeder insects commonly used:
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