I really need help with gender please!

I’ll say it again.

The presence of tarsal spurs do not guarantee a male.

Females have them too.

You are only looking at one part of a big picture.
I don’t know if I’d say females have “Tarsal spurs” but they sometimes do have a flap of skin on there foot that closely resembles one. This could very well be that. After a closer look I am unsure of sex, better pictures would definitely help.
look at the side patternd though
theyre starting to show
I understand that Wiz, key word here being “starting.”

I’m not calling you out and saying that you are 100% in your identification. What I am saying, is that we do not have enough information to accurately sex this Cham. The presence of a spur does not guarantee the sex, not does the “start” of a stripe. I know this is the hard and fast rule everyone uses to ID veilds but it’s just not that straight forward and simple.

The age of this Cham makes it difficult to sex because it hasn’t had much time to clearly develop its sexual traits. If we were to revisit this Cham in another month I highly doubt there would be any debate on the sex but that’s not where we are today.
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