I think I'm burning my TJ

ok, bare with me guys..

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - A make jackson..possibly xanth..2-3 months old..have had him for about 2 weeks
  • Handling - I may have held him 2-3 times in the last 2 weeks, what i do daily is move his entire enclosure to my porch when the weather permits
  • Feeding - I feed him small crickets..he eats about 6-10 daily..he's had small worms a few times too..my crickets eat the orange cubes..i dusted his crickets with ca/d3 (one time) the day after i got him..and i dusted his food with reptivite yesterday..he eats before noon every day.
  • Supplements - oops ^
  • Watering - Until i get my mistking..i use a spray bottle to mist him..anytime his humidity drops below 55 i start spraying everything..probably 5-7 times a day..i have a little dripper too..i have seen him drink the water
  • Fecal Description - No test for parasites, his poop/pee looks normal (according to poop 101) dark bean-y looking poop and white/orangeish urate..almost every morning.
  • History - have had issues with him possibly not being cold enough at night (previous thread)

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - ive got the 16x16 screened reptibreeze
  • Lighting - reptisun 5.0 uvb, and the blue 60w zoo-med light..60w goes on 7am..uvb at 7:30..both turned off 12 hours later
  • Temperature - my temps are usually around 74-78 throughout the day..his basking spot is usually around 80-82..lowest overnight temp has been 64..however ninght temps are usually around 68-70.
  • Humidity - 3 temp/humidity probes throughout his home..humidity doesnt go below 55
  • Plants - All live plants, umbrella tree, a pothos, the scheflera (or however its spelled) and a bamboo tree
  • Placement - His cage is in my bedroom..he is near a vent, but i redirected the air flow and it does not blow on him at all, it is kind of a high traffic area, but only 2 people go in my bedroom.
  • Location - Sunny central fl

Current Problem - White marks on his face! I posted yesterday in the discussion forum trying to see if it was just a sign of shedding, someone said if it is you'll know by tonight (last night) well this morning it is still there and is looking less like signs of shed..im really starting to worry..in comparison to other users pics, i think it looks like a burn, but i dont think hes close enough to the light to get burnt, could it be the outside sun that burns him? thank you so much guys.
A few pics..the first one is before a mist, the other 2 are after the misting.


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That's a shed. Trust me, he looks like he's doing a full body shed which is why it's taking a bit longer and it's starting in a bit of a strange place. It sounds like your dusting schedule is a bit off. If you do three different powders, do four plain calcium's once a week, one multivitamin a month and 2 D3 calcium. I would get repashy lod when you can and use that 2-3 times a week with plain calcium twice a week when you have it. In my opinion he sounds a bit dehydrated for a Jackson's.
That's a shed. Trust me, he looks like he's doing a full body shed which is why it's taking a bit longer and it's starting in a bit of a strange place. It sounds like your dusting schedule is a bit off. If you do three different powders, do four plain calcium's once a week, one multivitamin a month and 2 D3 calcium. I would get repashy lod when you can and use that 2-3 times a week with plain calcium twice a week when you have it. In my opinion he sounds a bit dehydrated for a Jackson's.
Wheew what a relief..
I will adjust my schedule accordingly, so you say 2 D3/Ca in a one month period correct? that was my intention for d3 but i was not aware of him needing plain ca so often so thank you for that as well.
I can agree with the dehydration, a mistking is a necessity for me, im waiting until tomorrow's reptile show over here to see if by a stroke of luck i can find one there, if not ill order it online when i get back from the show.
Thank you again, just subscribed to your blog too!
If he were older and you had a better gutload I would say he didn't need so much calcium. But all babies need more calcium than adults.
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