I want to save this poor guy


New Member
I recently got an email from someone who wants to sell me their male veiled and i was heartbroken by the pictures she sent me. The chameleon is in a 10 gallon aquarium with no bedding or climbing stuff. He looks really weak too. Here are some pics:

I am probably going to buy him, just so i can find a better home for him


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I would have to say that I have seem rescue chams in a lot worse shape. He just looks dehydrated. His limbs seem to be straight enough from the 2 pics your provided. I say go for it! With a little bit of TLC and some good education from this website you should be able to turn that guy around and probably have him hating you in no time! Good luck!

I didn't see the "sell" part. If I were you I would just bitch up a storm about how horrible he is keeping the thing and see if you can get it for free. There really is nothing you can use aside from the chameleon itself so you are going to be looking at a decent start up cost plus a good chunk of time invested in research and education.
Well, she says 70 for the chameleon with the small tank. Or 100 for the "big" tank and chameleon. He shouldnt even be in a tank!!! He needs a screen cage!
get that guy outta there. save him save him save him, i put my guy in a better setup just to clean his main cage. thats terrible,the look of that setup pisses me off!!! ill take him if they want to ship to canada,
Oh wow, apparently she has a spiral UVB that she is substituting for a heat bulb!!! She thinks it gives off heat for basking!! AHHHHHHHHHH
get that guy outta there. save him save him save him, i put my guy in a better setup just to clean his main cage. thats terrible,the look of that setup pisses me off!!! ill take him if they want to ship to canada,

I love you, you have such a good big heart. We need more people with hearts like yours.:)
I love you, you have such a good big heart. We need more people with hearts like yours.:)

I agree with him. She thinks that she is taking good care of him, i want to save that guy, but i cant pay 60 dollars for something i am going to have to spend a fortune on vet bills for.
where are you located, maybe some other forum members in your area could help you out or adopt him
Aaaw he looks so forlorn :( It really is horrible to see them unhappy. I really hope you do decide to take him, but it is a big risk. If only all owners cared so much for their little green friends. Please let us know what you decide.
I live in Frisco tx, which is near dallas

I think you should try and convince the lady that he is not in the best of health and try to get her to knock the price down or even get him for free. :( It breaks my heart to know that there are so many Chammies out there in these conditions or worse.
I say take him either way. Hopefully with an educated owner he can make a nice turn around w/o going to the vet. And not to sound cruel but if he does have to go to the vet and you can find the funds, then at least you can say you tried. In the position he's in now he's eventually going to die
Ugh, she says that she has a baby veiled on the way and she wants to get rid of this one. I feel so bad for that baby
Maybe refer you friend to this site and we can do a little intervention

definatly beside the setup not being upto par its a damm mess, dosent look like its just a matter of not knowing, id say there is neglect and lazyness at work here.

on a side note do chams not fall under normal the cruilty to animals laws

sorry if im comin off harsh, just breaks my heart to see this
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So, what she's saying, is she's tired of the adult Veiled and now she wants a baby because it's cuter? Lovely.
That's sort of rude.
Where is she located again?
He's so beautiful, that's so unfair to him. :( :(
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