Idk if I should be worried


New Member
last night my huband took my cham out and was cleaning her, I came in and took over. after she was clean she fell asleep on my finger. I was worried cause she has never done that before. and her tummy was big. I tried to stay calm but could not help but cry after I put her in her cage and she went to bed again.I thought she was sick or something, we looked up all kinds of stuff and everything said she was sick. but I know it was around her bed time, she is on a schedual and almost all the crickets I gave her are gone. this moring she pooped really big and looks better, down running around like her crazy self. cause she is very active, I think she just knows me as mom and was a tired baby and full? anyone else have advise?:confused:
i wouldnt worry about it. if it was her bed time then it is fine. my will fall asleep on my shoulder when its his bed time. now if she starts sleeping during the day then you should be worried but if it was dark out then your good
few, I WAS VERY WORRIED, but then I relized it was her bed time and she normaly dose the same this everyday and night. thats so good to hear though.:D
also what is best to have in the bottom of their cage? i have heard everything from choco fiber, lil bark, news paper, paper towles. she is doing well it what she has but I dont want her to get impacted:confused:
The best thing you can use is NOTHING. When you say you were cleaning her...I am taking you meant cleaning her cage?
the petco has me using choco dirt stuff, and she gets down and digs in it like a lil kid. I looked it up and it said it was fine. but she will get dirty, most of the time she gets the dirt off herself. but i found info that said if they do get dirty to clean them real gentle with a q-tip and water, and it works and she dont mind. I do clean her cage everyday and change the choco once a week. they told me to use that for the humidity, but in the store they also have the choco dirt in theirs and in another one bark chip stuff. id hate to take her dirt away cause she like to play in it, but i also dont want her to get hurt. she has been doing good so far, but i want what is best for my baby,
If she is eating eat she could get sick and even die, I would remove it asap. What do you mean "she likes to play in it?" Is she digging? If she is that means she is gravid. Do you have a laying bin?
Also, you mention that her tummy is big. Do you mean that it could be filled with eggs? Or, is it that she just ate - how long before bed do you feed her? She needs at least 3-4 hours before lights out so she can use the heat to help her digest her food properly. Perhaps you can fill out the How to ask for Help sticky so that we can make sure everything is perfect for your little girl.
Like others have said it might be better to get rid of substrate. She may not intentionally eat it but if she shoots at a feeder she might get a mouthful. I changed from coco brick to reptile carpet and its so much better to keep clean.:)
no she is not old enough to lay yet, she is still a baby. but likes playing in the dirt. i have heard they do that to look for food too, but its always in the same spots. she is not nesting, just looks like a lil dog digging:D
no she is not old enough to lay yet, she is still a baby. but likes playing in the dirt. i have heard they do that to look for food too, but its always in the same spots. she is not nesting, just looks like a lil dog digging:D
I've never heard of a cham digging for food. They can start producing eggs even at 4 months old(veiled).
No substrate is the best substrate, however it seems like the pet store was having you put in substrate as an egg laying bin?

She needs something to lay her eggs in, with lots of dirt.
I was told she is only like 4 to 8 weeks, but idk how old she is. she is still tiny, to young to lay.
:D Hello, it may help us help you if you could fill out this questionnaire. Just copy and paste to your reply and fill in with you answers.
Pet stores are notorious for giving wrong advice. We can help see if there is anything that you may need to change if you will fill out your info. This is very important for a female also.
Is it possible for you to post some pics also fo her, your enclosure and of her on your hand would really help. You said she is doing good but with Chameleons they won't show any signs of problems until they are advanced so far that they can't camouflage it anymore. :)
i tried to post some that i put up before but it wont let me. its under (digging help) another post, cause when she started digging it scared me. but i found out latter it was ok
The best advice I could possibly give you is to listen to the advice you are getting from the members of this forum. They know what they speak of! Substrate in a cage can cause health problems in your Cham and while it may be 'cute' to see her digging, it won't be cute when she ingests some and becomes impacted. This is painful to your Cham and painful to your bank account because when this happens the only option is a vet visit!

Good luck!
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