Miss Lily
Chameleon Enthusiast
poor Amy is shedding too! She's really not happy, bless her, and hasn't wanted so much to eat today either. Luckily the room she's in is cool compared to the rest of the house and outside. This is her second shed since I've had her. During her first, I was at work so I missed her doing her face and body. I just came home from shopping and she's sat on top of her umbrella plant, twisting, stretching and yawning to try and remove the shed! It's so funny to watch, but I feel sorry for the poor little girl - it must be so itchy and uncomfortable for her! When I left home about an hour ago she had a white bit on the end of her nose and on her 'eyebrows' and I got back to find her looking like a Mummy with flakey arms, back and face, lol!