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Im 13, I cant order online.

Where are you located? General vicinity. We're not going to knock on your door. It's just that someone may be close enough to you to lend you one. They could meet you and your Mom at a Starbucks or something.

Or, is that really frowned upon? I just realized how a Mom might feel when her 13 year old son says he wants to meet some herp keeper that he met on the internet. Things are different when you're dealing with a 13 year old. Sorry. Just an idea.
Im 13, I cant order online.

Go into her purse and remove the first plastic card with a Visa or Mastercard logo.... she prolly won't notice. If you don't get this light she will get MBD, her legs and bones will bend or break and she'll have issues laying eggs and if you still do nothing could die. have her read this website. If she still thinks we're nuts after she reads that website, be sure to remind her that vet bills start at about 100 bucks. Much more than the 35 dollars on a UVB lamp spent to prevent MBD.

You could also place her in a cage outside in morning sun for a couple of hours per day... and maybe not have issues... BUT she NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS UVB!
Where are you located? General vicinity. We're not going to knock on your door. It's just that someone may be close enough to you to lend you one. They could meet you and your Mom at a Starbucks or something.

Or, is that really frowned upon? I just realized how a Mom might feel when her 13 year old son says he wants to meet some herp keeper that he met on the internet. Things are different when you're dealing with a 13 year old. Sorry. Just an idea.

LOL Gesang! Can you imagine your own reaction if your little son asked that question... :D:D:D:D
I realized after I asked that question the second time that any decent mother would be continually coaching her children to never never never tell anyone on the internet- where you live. Now the kid probably thinks I'm some kind of pervert. Great....:(

I wasn't asking for his address. Just thought- if he lived up the road from one of us we could loan him one or give him an extra we had laying around. Save his family some $$$ and save his cham's life.
Another way is tell your mother that you will pay it back to her.
And, start cutting the lawn, babysit neighbor's kid, sell lemonade, or something. I think if she sees how determined you are in taking care of your pet and how much you willing to take responsibility over him, her heart will melt. :)

A bit better than taking your mother's credit card :eek:
:D:D Sorry Kevin..
Another way is tell your mother that you will pay it back to her.
And, start cutting the lawn, babysit neighbor's kid, sell lemonade, or something. I think if she sees how determined you are in taking care of your pet and how much you willing to take responsibility over him, her heart will melt. :)

A bit better than taking your mother's credit card :eek:
:D:D Sorry Kevin..

haha Frans! I guess I shouldn't pass my own bad habits onto others LOL:D:p:D

My GF said exactly what you said:rolleyes:
I realized after I asked that question the second time that any decent mother would be continually coaching her children to never never never tell anyone on the internet- where you live. Now the kid probably thinks I'm some kind of pervert. Great....:(

I wasn't asking for his address. Just thought- if he lived up the road from one of us we could loan him one or give him an extra we had laying around. Save his family some $$$ and save his cham's life.

I know you are not a perv! We all know you asked with the best intentions!;)
Or let her know that, hey, see how right she is about the chameleon when it develops MBD and dies. Obviously, it would be best to save the chameleon, but if you don't get the light then it's inevitable.
Sandy, we all know you're not a perv!

Danny- The other thing that you need to consider that only one person had mentioned, I think Summoner, is that she is going to lay eggs at some point. They will be infertile since you haven't mated her. You need to have some sort of an egg laying chamber for her. This article http://www.chameleonnews.com/new/?page=article&id=114 will tell you a lot about that. Anyhow, long story short, and I'm going to put this in the simplest terms possible, your mom probably knows what a stress it is on the body to bear children. How many vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy and how the baby growing inside you depleats everything from calcium to iron and more in the human body. Well it is the same for a chameleon who is gravid (pregnant). Whether the eggs are fertile or not, they require a GREAT deal of calcium to develop and if Emily is not able to process calcium in her body, laying even her first clutch could be VERY debilitating to her. And that is just one of the many factors your mom needs to understand about the light that she needs.

But please don't steal your moms credit card! :p
Herpguy94...does your Mom keep any reptiles? If so, what?

Background information: I have been keeping/breeding/hatching/raising chameleons for over 20 years...

Show this to your Mom...
Exposure to UVB either from a tube/linear UVB light or direct sunlight (neither of which should pass through glass or plastic) will allow the chameleon to produce vitmamin D3 which will allow it to use the calcium in its diet. Although addition of D3 to the chameleon's diet through supplements may provide the D3 needed, its very hard to regulate it so that you don't give too little or too much. D3 FROM SUPPLEMENTS can build up in the system. If your chameleon only gets the UVB from the UVB light on its cage, then it doesn't hurt to dust the insects before feeding them to the chameleon LIGHTLY twice a month with a phosphorous-free calcium powder.

Here's a site that talks about D3...

The compact UVB bulbs can cause photo kerato conjuctivitus so they should not be used.
Here's the site that talks about that...

I also dust twice a month lightly with a vitamin powder that contains a beta carotene source of vitamin A. Beta carotene won't build up in the chameleon's system like preformed vitamin A will. There is some controversy about whether chameleons can convert the beta carotene into vitamin A...so some people use a little preformed once in a while. BE VERY CAREFUL with the preformed because it can build up in the system and any excess can prevent the D3 from doing its job and lead to MBD. Personally I have not used any preformed vitamin A for my VEILED chameleons for many years and they live long healthy lives.

Here's a site that talks about vitamin A...

Most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous so I dust at most feedings with a phosphorous-free calcium powder to make up for it.

Calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A and D3 are the main players in bone health and its important to keep them in balance. Look at the supplements, the food that you feed to the insects and what you feed to the chameleon when trying to attain a balance. Failure to maintain the balance can lead to MBD.

Appropriate temperatures also play a part in this because they allow for proper digestion.

Gutloading the insects and feeding them a nutritious diet also plays a part. You can gutload the crickets with an assortment of greens (dandelions, kale, collards, endive, escarole, mustard greens, etc.) and veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, sweet red peppers, etc.)

Veiled chameleons can also be fed any of those greens and veggies and a little bit of fruit (apple, pear, berries, melon, etc.)

Female veileds can produce eggs even without being mated (as someone already mentioned) so its important once they are 5 or 6 months old to provide a suitable place in the cage for them to dig in so that they can let you know when/if they need to lay them.

Overfeeding can lead to egglaying problems once they are old enough to produce. It can also lead to constipation and prolapses.

Here are some more sites with good information...

There are likely things that I have missed...but I hope this will help.
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