Im new and need pointers

So could i do a mix of meal worms and crickets for food?

Yes but you do not want to feed mealworms to him that often because of the hard shell they have on the outside. It contains a lot of chitlin which is difficult for them to digest so I wouldn't recommend them often. They're are way better options than mealworms such as silkworms, superworms, hornworms, butter worms and the list goes on. But he may be to small for some of those so to start with yes it will be fine just not to many.
oh ok so crickets would be my best bet. When keeping crickets what should i store them in, how long will they live? would it be fine to keep them in my garage? and what should i feed the crickets? do i need to cover the crickets in vitamens every time i feed?
oh ok so crickets would be my best bet. When keeping crickets what should i store them in, how long will they live? would it be fine to keep them in my garage? and what should i feed the crickets? do i need to cover the crickets in vitamens every time i feed?

Sorry I did not get back to you sooner, I was at work.

Anyway, what a lot of us keepers do is have a rubbermaid bin,(about a 12 gallon one) and cut a hole in the lid and put screen over it for ventilation. Then what you want to do is get plenty of hiding spaces using either egg flats or papertowel roles if you want to. And then you will want to gutload with things such as carrots(not to much of this) potatoes, mango, oranges, apple, and there are several other gut loads. I am sure sandra will make her way to the thread and give you a link to her blog soon enough. You have several options as far as gutload goes. Keeping them in your garage would be fine until winter, but you dont want it to be too cold in there or they can die from that. Also you do not want it to be to warm as well. I just keep mine in the bin in my room lol. And yes you want to dust them in calcium for every single feeding. ALong with the multivitamin and d3 twice a month.
oh ok so crickets would be my best bet. When keeping crickets what should i store them in, how long will they live? would it be fine to keep them in my garage? and what should i feed the crickets? do i need to cover the crickets in vitamens every time i feed?

A mixed diet of dubia roaches, crickets, superworms, hornworms, silkworms, greens (if you are getting a veiled), and much more are all important if you want a healthy chameleon. Variety is key. Let me catch up on the rest of the thread and I will get back to you... :)
About enclosures... I really dislike reptariums with their dark mesh and zippers. The cages look very dark unless you use a good ammount of lighting. On top of that the zipper is a hassle and is not smooth at all. I used the small reptarium so it was very light weight. Every time I opened my lizards enclosure to feed or clean it was like huge earthquake for the Cham just getting that zipper completely open. Then when do get the cage open your chameleon is already scared to death and mad! I have no doubt people use these cages successfully. I however dislike them for those two reasons. Actually three, I really dislike the piping frame that goes around the inner edges of the cages. I free ranged crickets and they would regularly hide in the corners. :rolleyes: I suggest getting a cage with an easy opening door. :D
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