I'm new!!!

Just bought my Chameleons today, hopefully it's a male and female but they are a bit little to tell yet lol


Here they are.... Ying and Yang :D



those are some nice plastic leaves. when are you going to post a pic of your chams?
Aww they are very cute! Pet store owners never know what they're talking about and always give bad advice so don't feel bad. No doubt about it! I spent a small fortune on housing and stuff at the pet store, came home did my own research and found out I needed new everything !!! The only thing they were right about was the fact that they needed to be misted!!!! :mad: Needless to say I went out and spent another small fortune... And another... And yet another lol... Welcome to the forum!!!!!:)
Thanks for the info... I didn't buy them from any old pet shop though, the guy who owns it has the shop as an extension of his collection. He has many animals including venomous snakes, sugar gliders, ring tailed lemeurs, spiders etc etc

I have also kept sugar gliders - have done for 10 years and have been keeping chameleons for 3 years. The ONLY similarity between these totally different creatures is that they can both suffer from MBD if the calcium/phosphorous ratio in the diet is not correct. You also didn't say if your UV lights are spiral or not?
I have also kept sugar gliders - have done for 10 years and have been keeping chameleons for 3 years. The ONLY similarity between these totally different creatures is that they can both suffer from MBD if the calcium/phosphorous ratio in the diet is not correct. You also didn't say if your UV lights are spiral or not?

Spiral lights....

You may well know the people I bought my Chameleons off if you have had sugar gliders for years. The couple who own it are the UK's only supplier of Sugar Glider dietary products :D
Hey welcome yemens need about 12 hours good uv light a day and somewhere to bask at this time of year up to 14 hours.if they are asleep turn the lights off. My nearly year old Yemen Shares this room. My main room but only light is my desk lamp, tv on ;)
And As said you cannot keep them together in same enclosure. especially 2 males. :eek:
Spiral lights....

You may well know the people I bought my Chameleons off if you have had sugar gliders for years. The couple who own it are the UK's only supplier of Sugar Glider dietary products :D

I think I know who you mean but I didn't get mine there. A friend of mine had a bad experience with them if it's who I'm thinking of. Even my first male back in 2000 came from a private breeder - took some tracking down too. Back then nobody had a clue what they were.

As for the spiral lights - ask for the compact top to be exchanged for a dual top. You need the linear/tube style UV - spiral lights may cause eye problems in chameleons, namely Photo-kerato conjunctivitis.
Well it's been a while....

One cham was not eating and has died, the larger of the two 'Ying' is still going strong and has a new name! Camo

He has shed twice snice I got him and he eats 7/8 locusts a day!! wow
you will need a bigger cage asap esspecially if you are housing 2 in there, i guess you will be needing 2 bigger cages, if you are still planning on keeping 2 chams. sorry for your loss. i too have a c ham named Camo, he is Camo Leon haha get it
Only one in there now as one died.... Plans are a foot for building a huge playground. My dvd cabinet will become his new home lol
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