I'm So Excited!

My Rep is in a meeting (will be avaliable at 1pm). But he has foward on the info of the trace to an Admin. I will have word in about 30 min.
You are a lifesaver. I will still have access to internet so I will be checking regularly.

I have been proactive in the mean time... This is what i got from a "Linda" at FedEx ...She states that " the package is still in Memphis TN due to a Plane malfunction causing it to be grounded".
^^^ This info should have been avaliable to you on the FedEx tracking site.

Seems as though it will not arrive at your FedEx loaction untill tomorrow. I will get exact info at 1pm.

In this case it has already passed the scheduled delivery time. THEY WILL CREDIT the cost of shipping on this package. This is a claim either you or ChameleonNorthWest can take up with FedEx.

I will see if they can do anything in the way of keeping the package with the Cham out of the elements while trying to make a flight into VT.
I just got a voicemail from Sandy at Chameleons Northwest. She said the plane malfunction in the voice mail. BUT! When I called earlier this morning the woman on the phone told me it had been held due to a weight audit. She would not explain anything further and I ended up having to go to class.

Wow is this frustrating! HAha. But you have made it so much more bearable. I don't know what I'd be doing otherwise. Probably pulling my hair out and crying.
Just discovered this thread. Thank you, everyone, for your help and good wishes. We were on the phone with Fedex this morning as well and received all the same information you did. Of course we are all hoping for the same positive outcome. Sandy, Chameleons Northwest.

I just got a voicemail from Sandy at Chameleons Northwest. She said the plane malfunction in the voice mail. BUT! When I called earlier this morning the woman on the phone told me it had been held due to a weight audit. She would not explain anything further and I ended up having to go to class.

Wow is this frustrating! HAha. But you have made it so much more bearable. I don't know what I'd be doing otherwise. Probably pulling my hair out and crying.

That is my general response, as well. I immediately get a sick, tight, feeling in my gut. I hated leaving you the voicemail because I couldn't offer you any concrete solution to the dilemma. Just the information on the mechanical problem, which is frustrating. Fedex is supposed to be calling me with updates.

On a positive note- we had a shipment, I think it was UPS, long time ago that finally arrived 4 days late and the animal was fine. That one was shipped to the wrong hub. We had a recent overnite shipment that was sent special to arrive on Saturday. When it didn't arrive at the customer's on Saturday and we contacted the shipper they promised us a Sunday delivery of all things. Well, it was delivered Monday, and the animal was just fine. Both of these were late-in-the-week shipments which is why we now only ship Monday through Wednesday, with very few exceptions. And that recent time we ended up regretting the exception (until the animal arrived safe and sound- 2 days late). Thank God yours was a Monday shipment, so you'll get it Wednesday at the latest.

We shipped 8 animals yesterday. Thankfully this was the only mishap. But still very disturbing and frustrating. And we also feel that Fedex should have updated the tracking information with notice of the mechanical failure and also with an updated delivery date and time, instead of just leaving a blank "package has arrived" - in Memphis! With no further online updates for 10 hours now.

We normally don't even raise the question of refunds until the animal is safe and sound. Fedex rules declare an "exception" when it is due to mechanical failure.
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Just discovered this thread. Thank you, everyone, for your help and good wishes. We were on the phone with Fedex this morning as well and received all the same information you did. Of course we are all hoping for the same positive outcome. Sandy, Chameleons Northwest.

Hey Sandy. Any idea on how long the heat pack is good for?. I think temp might be the issue here.
Hey Sandy. Any idea on how long the heat pack is good for?. I think temp might be the issue here.

It's a 40 hour heat pack. I agree. There are bold labels on the outside of the package, on every side. "LIVE HARMLESS ANIMAL - KEEP WARM". So, hopefully they'll heed that advice.

Added: it's rated for 40+ hours, so it should still be putting out heat until 9AM Wednesday. After that the residual ambient heat inside the insulated box should help. He got 25 free butterworms with his shipment. They are in the bottom of the box. It will be interesting to see how they do.

But you won't believe this- what happened before (not sure if it was Fedex or UPS) a package went to the wrong hub. Long time ago. OK, so we call Fedex because the package is essentially lost. They find it at the wrong hub in some other state in some other part of the country. I think it was midwest. They're going to get it on the next soonest flight, but that won't be for hours. So, they do us this HUGE favor. They actually take the package, a live animal, of course, and they bring it into their office so the box will stay warm. What a wonderful, thoughtful thing to do, right? We were honestly very appreciative of their care and spent a long time on the phone chatting with them and telling them our appreciation. Well, get this. The person whose desk the box was sitting on left for the day. The box never made it to its next flight. The next day the person comes back to work and finds the box still sitting on her desk! That was the shipment that arrived 4 days late. The cham was fine. In fact, I think it was 2 chameleons in 1 box. They were both fine.
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I got a panther Female Dec 2010 she was held in Indianapolis hub due to storm. It was about 15f out. I picked her up 2 days later at my local hold. Unpackaged her in the car , she was still warm and climbed right out. That was the last animal I ever opened in the car. Just wanted to give you little more confidence that everything should be ok.

that was also my first chameleon ever shipped to me.
My fingers are crossed for a speedy and great ending to this saga. It also goes to show the warmth that members of this forum show to people they've never even met! Best of luck that the little one ends his journey quickly, and is happy to see you.

As it sits rite now, i have exhausted all my resources. The end conclusion is that because of a plane malfunction in TN the Cham will not get on a plane to get to VT before the delivery day is out. So look for delivery to your FedEx location tomorrow morning. Good luck. I'll keep an eye on the online updated in the mean time.

I hope to see a "safe arrival" thread come morning.
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It will most likely be an afternoon thread. Unfortunately I have class before 10 tomorrow and the lady at the desk said that they don't have all of their stuff sorted before 9:15. With the drive and then my walk to school I'd be rather late. But he'll get here. I will make sure of it.

Be ready for many, many, many photos.

Now I have to choose and extra awesome name for this little trooper.
It will most likely be an afternoon thread. Unfortunately I have class before 10 tomorrow and the lady at the desk said that they don't have all of their stuff sorted before 9:15. With the drive and then my walk to school I'd be rather late. But he'll get here. I will make sure of it.

Be ready for many, many, many photos.

Now I have to choose and extra awesome name for this little trooper.

My little Ambliobe (the one in my avatar) was 8 hours late and i was freaking out. So i can only imagine what you are dealing with. I named him "Chance" from the movie Homeward Bound!
Thank you Jon, Cami... everyone the is working and offering support to get this guy to his destination.
If you think of all the shipping we on the forum have had without incident.. this is a very small percentage of problems. Just keeping up all the positive hope that this will turn out well as well! :)

Hang in there
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