Indoor Hibiscus


New Member
Are any of you able to keep a Hibiscus indoors? I found some at Home Depot and I'd really like one. I live in KY. I'd like to have an extra plant for my Chameleon. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it died, but I don't want to waste my time. I plan on getting a 6500k grow light eventually. All I have in his cage is a 15" 5.0 and a basking bulb. Is it possible? Is there anything in particular I would have to do, or do differently?
my girlfriend had one and it did not do so well. They need a ton of light to survive so you would probably want to get the grow bulb before buying the hibiscus

i heard weeping figs are a good tree/shrub to put in and don't require a whole lot of sunlight so they are easy to keep alive
I keep one indoors. It is under a 6500k light, and it does ok.
It doesnt grow much, and hardly ever flowers, but it keeps leaves on and doesnt die :) I like it a lot actually.
my girlfriend had one and it did not do so well. They need a ton of light to survive so you would probably want to get the grow bulb before buying the hibiscus

i heard weeping figs are a good tree/shrub to put in and don't require a whole lot of sunlight so they are easy to keep alive

Yeah that's what I figured. I read that you should leave them outside for the summer, and inside during winter. I've really been wanting to make a cheap outdoor cage for my Cham. I heard the same thing about the Weeping Figs. I obsessively look around for plants lately. I'm always looking for the perfect Chameleon plant. I'd like to add some color to my cage. I might add an orchid just for aesthetics. I've been keeping an eye out for a Weeping Fig though. No luck so far. I want something I can set in front of his cage so he can walk out. He won't walk on me, but every time I open his cage he wants to get out and explore. I'd like to let him out, or take him outside. It's very difficult when he doesn't feel even slightly comfortable with me. I'm terrified of taking him outside, and then not being able to get him back in. I just want to get him some sun, or let him stretch his legs a bit. I think a big plant with make things a lot easier.
I have one and id did not do well in the chameleon cage, it began dying within a week. But I took it out and moved it near a big window and it has recovered beautifully. Now I just put my chameleon on it to free range sometimes.
I keep one indoors. It is under a 6500k light, and it does ok.
It doesnt grow much, and hardly ever flowers, but it keeps leaves on and doesnt die :) I like it a lot actually.

Can you post a pic of how you have it set-up? Maybe we can all benefit from that. I have a 24" "fish tank" UVB fixture. It uses 15" linear bulbs, and I can't find any 6500k that size at Lowes. My mister went out on me, and I can't really afford to buy another fixture and bulb at the moment. I'm not sure if they make the bulbs in that size.

This might be a dumb question.. but how do the plants get the suns nutrients through the window? Do they not necessarily need it? Pretty much everyone does that for indoor plants, which don't require direct light. What about a outdoor plant? Just curious.

I think it depends on everyones house too. The natural humidity in the house (mine is about 40-50%), the airflow (near any vents), and also also the soil. We can't necessarily use the kind of soil they require. Obviously we use organic soil. I would absolutely love to have a Hibiscus. I wouldn't mind if it didn't produce it's flowers, just as long as it stays alive. I could always move it outside if I wanted to see it bloom.
lol ya not the easiest thats for sure all i ever loose is spider plants??? wierd

VERY WEIRD! spider plants can grow in a cup of water.... how the hell do you kill a spider plant? too dry?

and as far as hibiscus go you either need a couple of 4ft t5s running the height of your cage or have it near a window.

they actually do well its just a pain in the arse
I actually picked up a couple of 4-5 footers from a relative Ill be planting in my closet cage. They had been in a basement with NO light all winter, and had flowered a few times while down there!
I kept a Hibiscus for years with little to no problem. It was near a window, but definitely not under much direct sunlight. It just had the normal light from the chameleon's 60W bulb and UVB tube for light.

It rarely ever flowered (twice in 4 years) but it did just fine. Required lots of water, but I had my chameleon's drip system going right down onto the plant, so it got tons of water daily. When I lost my chameleon last year, it slowly died off either due to light changes or because it wasn't getting regular water anymore.

Since I'm getting a new chameleon soon I'm looking for another one, but I already have a ficus. It took me awhile to find one the right size.
I keep mine on the floor of the cage, it is actually to tall, and bends at the top, I need to trim it :eek:
I used to keep it in front of a window, and it did better(bigger leaves, flowers), but 90% of the time Ive had it its been caged, with a 6500k on it.
i had one but my cham ate all but the branches and it died.
the ficus thats in there now (13 months) has a few brannches that he hasnt picked clean yet.

he doesnt eat the umbrella plant though :p
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