

New Member
So i found a note on my apartment door this morning....The management is having some water guy out to inspect the water meter or some crap, on Friday.

Time to find a hiding place for my Chams!!!

My buddy said i could keep them at his House (about 10 mins away), he has an extra room with zero traffic. I plan on taking them over on Thursday night, about 6 or 7, and i want to take them home on Friday night.

Im am very concerned about stressing them out. One is a 1 year old Male Veiled and the other is a 3-4 month old Female.

Should i leave them there for the duration of the weekend so they can calm down a little before moving them home? Or would it be best to get them back to my place asap? I am just reallly worried about the stress factor here.

Any ideas, or suggestions to aid me in the transport would be appreciated!
Assuming you're not supposed to have any animals in your apartment? I personally would never risk it. I had animals in my apartment when I lived in one, but I payed a pet deposit to allow it.
No we are, Just not "exotic"s...I asked some of the neighbors that have lievr here for a while and they said that this is the first, inspection thing they ahve ever gone through :(

They may not care that they are here or they may freak out so just playing it safe and getting them out of they way.
I'd just throw the cham(s) and bugs in your car for a few hours if the temps are decent... If it's just a water inspector, he probably won't care anyways. Throw the empty cage in a corner and lay a blanket over it with a pile of books over that, and I bet you're good to go.
No we are, Just not "exotic"s...I asked some of the neighbors that have lievr here for a while and they said that this is the first, inspection thing they ahve ever gone through :(

They may not care that they are here or they may freak out so just playing it safe and getting them out of they way.

They probably don't want monkeys and aligators running around
Do you have a studio apartment? If it is just a water guy, why not just put them in an out of the way room the water inspector would never need to see. The water inspector doesn't have the right to do an apartment search. Personally, I wouldn't even bother moving them if you can hide them for a few hours instead.
I have to work thats the thing. And i dont know if the apt managers are coming with them. I could put them in the closet. like run an extension cord and just leave them in there all day?

Haha yea i should to something about the crickets too...that would look a little odd...
I live in apartment that only allows cats. But i have WAY more than cats.(17 animals to be exact) and when we get repairs, noone cares about them because they are caged animals. The workers were more interested in them than anything!! Most of the time, if its a big apartment building like ours, the apartment managers wont even bother going in. But the guys doing the work dont care at all about what you have. They are there just to do their job
Whenever I am worried about an inspection I just lock the dog up in the reptile room (the chams have blankets over their cage) and put a sign on the door that says "MEAN DOG INSIDE." No one has ever opened the door! I don't know if you have a dog or not, but that worked for me.
Can you put them in your bedroom and lock the door? Thats what I do. If they ask I say my girlfriend is not feeling well and is asleep in my room...seems to work for me
Whenever I am worried about an inspection I just lock the dog up in the reptile room (the chams have blankets over their cage) and put a sign on the door that says "MEAN DOG INSIDE." No one has ever opened the door! I don't know if you have a dog or not, but that worked for me.

HAHA We DO have a dog!!! Its a "small" one (lab puppy) he will be out of town this friday! I could just put the chams in a room and put up a "Beware of Dog Sign" or something to that effect!!!

Thanks for the great idea!
Even if the managers are in there, throw the chams in a shoebox (each) with a few paper towels to hold on to.... They'll be ok in the dark for a day at room temperature (they sleep through it). Even if they found a cage that was apparently empty, they can't bust you for assuming a cham was in there at some point.
Yeah, I don't think the repair men ever actually know what you have on your lease, so even if you had an unpaid for animal (which we've done) they wouldn't know any better. And in some apartment complexes they REALLY don't care about caged animals. My friend is keeping a rabbit, which is technically not allowed, but when she signed the lease, the woman helping her out just said something to the effect of, "No, you don't have a rabbit. ::wink:: Just keep it in the cage."

It was a little awkward when the office wondered after my boyfriend why he was picking up a package labelled "LIVE CRICKETS". lol But otherwise, they didn't do anything about it. For the record, I mail my feeders elsewhere, just in case. o_O

Yeah, probably moving them to the other room would work. Careful the happy dog doesn't scare them. :)
Whenever I am worried about an inspection I just lock the dog up in the reptile room (the chams have blankets over their cage) and put a sign on the door that says "MEAN DOG INSIDE." No one has ever opened the door! I don't know if you have a dog or not, but that worked for me.

Best advise so far (assuming that his dog is not nosy and start attacking the chams :eek:).
Another good use of dogs :D
You cannot really put the sign "MEAN CAT INSIDE" and hoping it will be effective:p
Your landlord is probably checkn the faucets for the water restrictors & tryn to cut costs on the hot water. The meters on the ground floor & probably has a wire for the utility co to read it remotely. I would lock the door on the room the pets are in! They usually inspect the apt a few times a year. Toss the crickets if they hear them they will bug bomb the place. I wouldnt re introduce any stays into the cham cage in a apartment setting.:eek:
i guess im lucky. i live in a Huge Condo, but our "landlord" doesnt care what we have in our house, she actually loves to hold my Chondros. hide the pets n a closet or something like that.
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