Introducing Athena & Update on the Gang


Avid Member
Hi Everyone,
We just picked up this little girl from member CNorton last Thursday and have been dying to share.:) She's a 6 month old Nosy Be that we have named Athena. She's a lot more shy than our other chams so I've been trying to give her plenty of time to adjust to her new home before I bombarded her with the camera lol.

And here's how she reacted to her picture being taken once I got her out of her cage... :eek:

She eventually calmed down after I put the camera away for a few minutes and let her calm down a bit...

Here's a shot of her new digs (on the left) complete with a schefflera, pothos, laying bin, Little Dripper, Reptisun 5.0, and a household bulb for basking:

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Here's her future boyfriend, Poseidon. He's a 15 month old Nosy Be that we got from LLL Reptile at last years reptile show here in Sacramento.

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Great photos!
You have a great looking crew! I didn't know LLL Reptiles sold true blue Nosy Be's! I feel like that's a pretty awesome pick-up.
Chams are all very beautiful and colorful

Thanks, I'm really happy with the way they've all turned out:)

Great photos!
You have a great looking crew! I didn't know LLL Reptiles sold true blue Nosy Be's! I feel like that's a pretty awesome pick-up.

Thanks for the compliment.:) I didn't know that they sold true blue Nosy Be's either and it was actually a mistake on their part. My guy was in with a batch of blue bar Ambilobes at the reptile show and I had requested a female from that group but they were all so young that they had a hard time telling them apart. Imagine my surprise when a month later he started coloring up so I knew he wasn't a she anymore and a couple months after that when I realised I had a true blue male Nosy Be instead of a female Ambilobe lol. I couldn't be happier with the mix up though, he's developing some beautiful colors and is by far the friendliest cham I have :)
You have a very pretty group, and Athena is a lovely addition. She is showing nice colors for her age.
Hahaha sweet mistake! I would have been stoked. I've only ever experienced unlucky mistakes with chameleons =P

That sounds like what's more typical for, if it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all lol.

You have a very pretty group, and Athena is a lovely addition. She is showing nice colors for her age.

Thanks for the compliment Laurie. I got all of the others in the 2-4 month age range and it's been really cool watching them all grow up and develop their beautiful colors and now I can't wait to see how Athena turns out :) It's a little hard to tell in some of these pictures but she has a purple-ish tint to the tans on her sides and on her cheeks as well and I would be stoked if it winds up being part of her adult colors... Time will tell :)
Very beautiful girls and really handsome guys. :)
Your Aphrodite really looks like my girl Montia, she is 7-8 months old too! But i don't now her morph, maybe Ambanja, maybe Nosy be, maybe (like your Aphrodite) a Ambilobe. :confused:
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