Introducing: Lizzy and Larry


New Member
I was at the repticon in Orlando just before Christmas getting a cobalt blue tarantula and saw this tub of baby veiled chameleons and took two home. I knew nothing about raising them at all. The forms helped me recognize MBD and the fix. They are doing well I think and decided to say thanks to you all and show pics. would any one care to guess age- I forgot to ask


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updated pics

I guess to trained eye, you will know the one with bright colors is Larry and the smaller subdued colors is his sister Lizzy. The MBD is still visable on their right front legs, but mending and they are much more active since starting treatment treatment.


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I have not thought that far ahead- just trying to get them raised at this point.

Be aware they may well be siblings. Stores like that often buy entire clutches of babies. Your female should not have the tarsal spurs on her hind feet and the male should have them. There's no real necessity to breed as there are many veiled babies needing homes now. You do realize you'll need to separate them soon, right?

Have you read the caresheets under the forum Resources tab? Lots of husbandry info for veileds there.
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