Inventor of the Shooting Gallery Feeder Has Passed Away


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It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Paul Kale. He is most prominent contributions to the chameleon world were his invention of the Shooting Gallery Feeder, his dedication to breeding Nosy Valiha panther chameleons and his rescue of 160 chameleons that were abandoned.

When a major collector of chameleons lost his home Paul immediately volunteered to board all of his animals that were now in a cages in a parking lot several miles from his house. He did dozens of trips at low speed to safely transport all of their cages home. Once the owner abandoned them and was sent legal notice he began to re home them. He spent several hundreds of dollars on crickets for them each month. Many he simply rehomed other she sold in an attempt to support the others. He never made back the money he spent supporting them. They all were rehomed or led full lives in his care.

A passion project of his was the Nosy Valiha panther locale. They are only found on an extremely tiny island off the coast of Madagascar. When he began breeding them their island home was up for sale. it was being offered as a prime location for a resort and golf course. With their home under threat of destruction he worked hard to establish solid bloodlines of their locale. He went so far as to import several from a breeder in Europe to expand his genetics and prevent inbreeding. When he became ill the project had to be abandoned. If you were lucky enough to own one of these beautiful creatures you have Paul to thank.

His greatest pride in the chameleon world was the Shooting Gallery Chameleon Feeder. He created a low cost solution to save keepers money on insects, let them be sure their chameleon was eating and possibly preserve family harmony by keeping insects from escaping into their homes. He is survived by his son, TK and his daughter. They will be taking over the running of the business. They plan selling off the remaining inventory to keep his dream alive. It is uncertain at this time if they will order any more production runs. They haven't done an inventory due to their loss but their are over a hundred of each size left.

The chameleon world has lost a dedicated soul. RIP.


Nosy Valiha Pather Chameleon

Shooting Gallery Chameleon Feeder
So very sorry for the family's loss. He was a very good person. When I was new to the hobby I went through a crappy situation with a breeder in the forum that did not end well, he offered to gift me a baby. He had no involvement with this situation but felt for me and made such a generous offer. I had no other interaction with him other than that but his kindness left a lasting impression on me.

I have always enjoyed his shooting gallery and thought it was such a clever wonderful feeder option.
So very sorry for the family's loss. He was a very good person. When I was new to the hobby I went through a crappy situation with a breeder in the forum that did not end well, he offered to gift me a baby. He had no involvement with this situation but felt for me and made such a generous offer. I had no other interaction with him other than that but his kindness left a lasting impression on me.

I have always enjoyed his shooting gallery and thought it was such a clever wonderful feeder option.
Your story really touched him. He felt terrible for all you went through.
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