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Hello all! I recently acquired a two year old panther chameleon. I have had him for six days now and I am worried he may not be drinking as I have never seen him drink. He has a constant drip system which is what he is used too. Additionally, his enclosure is misted 2-3 times a day. He shows no interest in the mistings and only hides. Furthermore, i have tried the shower technique twice now to get him to drink, but every attempt he just looks at me with humiliation.
Is it possible that is just shy to drink in front of me? After six days of having him he really isn't showing any signs of dehydration. I took photos of him the first day I received him and keep comparing him to the photos and he looks about the same.
Any tips?
Is it possible that is just shy to drink in front of me? After six days of having him he really isn't showing any signs of dehydration. I took photos of him the first day I received him and keep comparing him to the photos and he looks about the same.
Any tips?