Is it an Egg?

I have cut a black trash bag and covered all four sides and I can see on the top if she is at the top off her cage or bottom. I am planning to get play sand mix it well with soil I have in the lay bin.
All I use is that play sand and peat moss seems to work fine. I only use about 18 inch to 20 inch bin. And I use that rolled up paper the cover for privacy. Just make sure she has enough air. Saturday I had two laying at the same time it was nerve-racking. Good luck(y)
I have a female panther that had laid two clutches before I got her. The first time she laid for me I got a 2 gal bucket and 5 gal bucket from home depot and used play sand and put in her cage. She used the two gals bucket and has with all three clutches she has laid.
I used one part sand 5 parts peat moss put a tarp or a paper block is over them so they don't get Disturbed. but that's definitely an egg . I just had that happen last week one egg next to a stool

Has she laid eggs already or how long after that one egg ?
The one that laid the eggs next to the stool was about 3 days. But I've also had them lay eggs then go back days later hope this helps

yeah, that is what she is doing laid one egg and then 4 days later she laid another egg but it seems like she dropped from the top branch but either way, I fixed her lay bin with play sand and some organic soil. I hope she will check it out again.
I would be very worried about the fact that she's just dropping the eggs and not at all trying to dig.
I would be very worried about the fact that she's just dropping the eggs and not at all trying to dig.

she is hunting for food and she is eating, she also getting misted 4-5 times a day and she has been basking up at the branch, she has been a little going down but as much like she did when I changed her laying bin with correct play sand and soil. what do you suggest?
I have also read where others have had to basically force the issue like leaving her in the can. From what I've read in other threads they will act normal while egg bound and then they will be found passed away.
I have also read where others have had to basically force the issue like leaving her in the can. From what I've read in other threads they will act normal while egg bound and then they will be found passed away.

Yeah chameleons pretty much are anti egg laying in captivity, too many things can go wrong and stress them out. And yet there are those wonderful moments where everything is as easy as sticking the laying bin in.
I did this for Lucy, would this be good enough?


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I wish you two so much luck, if it doesn't work you might want to try mixing digging medium, such as the soil you have and playsand.
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