is it normal to get a few bad eggs


New Member
hi im wondering is it normal to get a few bad eggs from vieled chameleon eggs its been 2 weeks and through 6 out of 37 away as mouldy and dented but the rest are still crispy white also if i candle should i be able to see viens in them by now or still abit to early thank you also this is her first clutch
COmpletely normal.

it just means those eggs started developing after she was bred. So they didnt get fertlized.

There is a few bad eggs even on this forum. (that was a joke. I have recently been reminded not everyone has my since of humor.)
you mean if eggs develop after being bred they are not fertilized? or eggs that developed before being bred?

If a female is bred say on a monday, but some eggs didnt start to develop until the friday after, then those eggs may not be fertlized.

Or if a female begins to develop eggs on a monday, and breeds on friday, not all of the eggs will be fertlized.

basically there is a window of opportunity for each egg in development to be fertlized, if breeding occurs before or after that window, it wont be fertlized.

Make sense?
ok thanks for that advice im just stressing for no reason then hopefully also do you guys and girls experinced fully sealed contaners with no air holes at all? cheers
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