Is it possible that i just have a mean chameleon?


EVER SINCE I GO MUSSOLINI (BLUE BAR PANTHER) HE has hissed at me and strikes at me when I go to pick him up for even when he is on my hand he will puff up and open his mouth .. do they get over that if you handle them more .. I don't understand because Buddha is the exact oppisite he will climb all over you and is extremely nice.. any help please...
I think many people on this board can attest to the fact that each chameleon has a different personality, regardless of the species. Some have super nice Veiled Chams, some have agressive Panthers.

So, it is possible one of your chameleons is more laid back than the other.
Do you think maybe he's responding to that name? I'm joking, but it does seem appropriate that Mussolini would be mean.
haha, that name seems notoriously mean to me;) ya, theyre all different. im not sure handling him more will make things better. enjoy your friendly cham & if the other one is pissy, let it be i guess...
In the other thread you posted about this subject someone had suggested hand feeding.

I know our chams both LOVE silks. Neither of them were too fussy about being handled although I've heard that most chams aren't too fond of human interaction. If you've only had him for a week maybe he needs a little more time to get settled in. With our little girl, we tried to handle her minimally for the first little while. She's pretty used to it now, when necessary, but she's definitely happier when she's left alone.

Hand feeding is definitely something to try. Our male had no issues eating from our hands but little Delilah is pretty reluctant to do it.
haha, thats awesome! ya try hand feeding so he asscocates your hand with something good if hes down to eat from your hand... could be the age too, hang tight. worst case, at least youve got one whos fairly sociable...
this is him....


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Maybe hang him upside down tied up by his back feet in the town plaza and let crowds of people taunt and beat him. :D

Just Kidding, Just kidding, but it would be strangely ironic. Almost looks like you had him by them back feet in that one pic. ;)
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