Is my Cham fat...


4 m/o was fine 2 hours ago, fed her and now what is wrong with her??? She seems super bloated? Should I be worried?
(Like my setup too? I have an umbrella plant growing which will fill some space in the middle :))


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She just looks puffed up to me. They do that when they feel threatened, or are startled. Cage is a good start, more coverage would be great, just keep that umbrella plant happy. Make sure you're ready with an egg laying bin too. She will be laying soon.
In my opinion, She looks fine, maybe startled as mentioned. The enclosure setup is perfect! Don't need more coverage as suggested! To much coverage will cause your cham to constantly be hiding/shy. Thats perfect how it is!
Chameleons need a lot of coverage to make them feel safe and not so much stress .It also gives them shade when they need to get away from the UVB and I agree with @jannb she looks like she has eggs
If they lay huge clutches it can shorten their lives. If veiled females are constantly OVERFED they can develop MBD, prolapse, produce large clutches an become egg bound and die.

There's a difference between overfeeding g them constantly and feeding them an appropriate amount so they will grow properly into adulthood.
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