Is my cham pregnant?


New Member
Is my cham pregnant? I know they supposed to have gravid colors im woundering if this means shes about to have her first batch of eggs? I've notice shes kind of fatter than before I've left a container thats about i would say 4-5 inches tall and filled it with coconut bedding but she doesn't seem to go for it .. Ps she doesent spend much time in the bottoms of the enclosure i read they spend alot of time in the floor when they pregnant 2 pictures the dark one is the gravid pattern i think and the other one is her normal way


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Is my cham pregnant? I know they supposed to have gravid colors im woundering if this means shes about to have her first batch of eggs? I've notice shes kind of fatter than before I've left a container thats about i would say 4-5 inches tall and filled it with coconut bedding but she doesn't seem to go for it .. Ps she doesent spend much time in the bottoms of the enclosure i read they spend alot of time in the floor when they pregnant 2 pictures the dark one is the gravid pattern i think and the other one is her normal way


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I don't think those are gravid, or receptive colors. I think she is just stressed. However that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't gravid even though I can't tell from these pics. How old is she? Here are receptive colors


And here is one that is gravid, and don't want the male to mess with her.

I don't think those are gravid, or receptive colors. I think she is just stressed. However that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't gravid even though I can't tell from these pics. How old is she? Here are receptive colors

View attachment 159512

And here is one that is gravid, and don't want the male to mess with her.

View attachment 159513
Shes 6 months and im wasent really sure this being the first time owning a cham and i heard that they could die if they cant lay their eggs properly so im just trying to get it right .. Thank you so much for the info
I think brownie is right about that non gravid color, especially on the second pic,and U can always prepare the laying bin early if u are not too sure,she is a beautiful veiled chamy best luck.
My female is laying right now and she never shows gravid colors. I only knew she was gravid because she was so round and I could feel the eggs in her. I always keep a laying bin in her enclosure for her so it's there anytime she needs it
My female is laying right now and she never shows gravid colors. I only knew she was gravid because she was so round and I could feel the eggs in her. I always keep a laying bin in her enclosure for her so it's there anytime she needs it
I have a female panther 8-9 months old my question is how you keep bin in enclosure moist without it spoiling ( like mold )I trying to keep bin but it keeps getting mold
I have a female panther 8-9 months old my question is how you keep bin in enclosure moist without it spoiling ( like mold )I trying to keep bin but it keeps getting mold
I have great air flow and it's a mix of 50/50 organic soil and crushed walnut shells.
My female is laying right now and she never shows gravid colors. I only knew she was gravid because she was so round and I could feel the eggs in her. I always keep a laying bin in her enclosure for her so it's there anytime she needs it
Is it like an obvious feeling or you have to really feel on her so you can know if theres eggs? I notice her more fatter than before and around how deep would the bin have to be ?
It feels like jelly beans inside and the bin should be 10-12 inches deep. There's instructions on how to make a bin on the forum. I don't have to feel my girl really hard to feel her eggs.
Yah if she is six months I would make sure she has a laying bin. Like was said they don't always show these colors. At six months she could become gravid at any time. Good luck
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