Is my chams poo normal?

My chameleon hasn't been pooping a lot recently. Probably once a month and today she did. I checked on it and there is a spot of blood and a lot of white. Is this normal? She also ate a brown bit of her poop as well... Should I be worried about this? I'll attach some pictures.


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Hello, none of this normal. Pooping once a month seems to be impacted. 😭 blood is not good. & either is eating their poop I think. I've never seen this behavior. I think a vet visit asap is needed.
Hello, none of this normal. Pooping once a month seems to be impacted. 😭 blood is not good. & either is eating their poop I think. I've never seen this behavior. I think a vet visit asap is needed.
I document her poop and the last one she did was the 4th of November... I'll definitely go to the vet but do I take a poo sample or do i take her to the vet? Or both?
Hey there, when you make a vet visit, bring her and the poop. Could you please post a photo of your entire enclosure? Including what lights you use?

If you can, it would be helpful if you could fill out the "how to ask for help" form in the health clinic of this website. They we can brainstorm what's going on while you wait for the vet. If you need help looking for a good vet we can help with that too.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think it's possible you may not have seen every time she's gone. My cham is pretty regular (every day), but between changing his 'spot' and plant growth, it often lands in a spot where I don't see it for days/weeks. It also looks like you have a (bioactive?) substrate, which can camouflage things, or if you have an active CuC they can make it disappear.

I'm not a vet, but IMO, blood, that first pic, and coprophagia are all reasons to seek veterinary help.
Take a sample (less than 24 hrs old if possible—you can store it in a double baggie in the fridge).
Hey there, when you make a vet visit, bring her and the poop. Could you please post a photo of your entire enclosure? Including what lights you use?

If you can, it would be helpful if you could fill out the "how to ask for help" form in the health clinic of this website. They we can brainstorm what's going on while you wait for the vet. If you need help looking for a good vet we can help with that too.
I'm out at the minute so I can't post any photos and i'll fill the asking for help thing out when I get home.
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