Is my Veiled gravid?

If you drip water slowly onto her nose until she starts drinking you can get meds and food into her as the mouth opens and shuts.
From what I've read the older the BSFl the harder the shell, if the ones your getting are soft could you let me know where your getting them from? Being the vet said about them causing blockages, I want to be really cautious about this.

I totally understand. I got an order from Josh's Frogs and they are amazing. Buy them and decide, I think you'll find them softer than a cricket lol
If you drip water slowly onto her nose until she starts drinking you can get meds and food into her as the mouth opens and shuts.
If this works that would be awesome I'm having such a hard time getting her to open her mouth for meds. Thank you so much
I totally understand. I got an order from Josh's Frogs and they are amazing. Buy them and decide, I think you'll find them softer than a cricket lol
Just placed my order for 250 large BFSL I didn't have the money to ship fast so I got the standard 3 day shipping I hope they'll still be in decent shape when I get them.
Can't answer if she's looks Gravid or not but I can say ditch the substrate and add more plants for her to hide in and a lore more branches. You can keep those vines in there but you need way more branches for her . She needs more horizontally branches to just relax on. I would also set up a horizontal branch for her to bask on so it's easier on her. You can mix in some vertical branches for her to get up and down as well. Also I would see if you can get a lay bin in there for her and just have a branch of something going into it so she can go in and out. Also if someone says she is gravid make sure to give her privacy and try not to spook her or she can get nervous and not lay her eggs and die. Good luck!
I followed some of your suggestions and I added a drinking fountain, I still have a large 6ft bendable vine left and I was wondering if you would look at these pictures and tell me where the best placement would be or if anything else looks wrong.


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awww... she's come a long way - you're awesome! just some horizontal options for her, imo. you can bend that vine so that the up/down options intersect with the left/right walkways :)
I followed some of your suggestions and I added a drinking fountain, I still have a large 6ft bendable vine left and I was wondering if you would look at these pictures and tell me where the best placement would be or if anything else looks wrong.
Looking better. If you are talking about the cantina drinking fountain I would take it back . They are a breeding ground for bacteria and have to be cleaned a lot to keep up with and not the best IMO. For water just get an automatic mister or mist the enclosure by hand at least 3-4 times a day for atleast 3+ mins each. I would still take about 6-7 branches and put them in ther horizontal for her to relax on. The best branches IMO are cut by you from local but safe trees. I would lay one across for her to get heat under so she does not have to hang there to get it and so she can angle her body and such the way she wants to get heat. And then some lower so she can relax on when she wants to be cooler and some around the cage randomly for her to choose from. She will appreciate it a lot to have somewhere she can sleep and not have to hang as well. I think you have plenty of vine for her so I would strongly suggest good branches for her in various sizes so she can still work her feet muscles. Now a lot of people have trouble securing branches in cages and I'll let you know how I did it for my girls first cage and even try and dig up some pics for you. What I did was I took the branches and I put them all in place where I liked by holding them in with long push pins . Then I took a branch out drilled a hole in each side big enough to put 25 pound fishing line through then put the branch back up with the push pins to tie them into place with the fishing line and after that you can leave the push pins in or take them out. Some people might not like it because they say it puts too much stress on the screen but I have never had a problem with it as my sticks aren't really heavy and who are we kidding your Cham isn't either. This is the way I did things in this cage without pond foam and it's working great to this day. To get my plants in there I have two magnetic pot ledges that I got from LLL reptile. You can get these from many other places it's just where I got them. So with those ledges I have two pothos plants in there and they provide plenty of coverage for my girl to hide in. Once I post the pic of this cage you will see there is also an umbrella plant in there but it's no longer in there as my pothos have grown like weeds and they provide enough so I took it out and replaced it with a lay bin in the bottom. I hope this all makes sense and helps you!

Ignore the tree and bin at the bottom but this is what my girls cage looked like with the branches and ledges. I wouldn't recommend using bamboo . I used it and seemed to have no problem with her grabbing it but it can be slippery for them I just used it cause it looked good with my build and it ended up working for me. The second plant ledge is in the back and is hard to see but it's there. But notice how she has plenty of stuff to choose from. This is a 18x18x36 cage so keep that in mind if yours is bigger when decorating it so she can get around as she is a bit bigger than my girl is. I only have two pothos in here now and there's a couple reasons for that. 1 because it provides plenty of cover for her and two because I love them, they are impossible to kill and do well in low light so at the bottom of the cage where it gets shaded more than the top the plants still thrive down there. Like I said I hope this helps and I am happy to help with anything else that I can!
Should I peel any bark off of the sticks or leave it on? Would dowel rods maybe work better than bamboo or just as slippery?
Gimme a sec, I am reading her history on the thread just I know what is wrong through and through. Her eyes look sunken yes but not the normal type of sunken and I would be worried about infection.

Edit: Ok so looking at some older pictures I noticed a few things (she does have MBD, pretty bad folds from it in her bones but honestly her bones on the xray could have been much worse so hopefully the liquid calcium will help), her casque is very puffy, not in the way I would assume she would have fat pads because she hasn't been eating well and has been producing eggs during the time... she also has one forelimb that looks like it's swollen in a way that I would go more towards infection, especially with the way her eye look? Did they vet notice this at all?
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The vet didn't say anything about infection she just said about the MBD and that she was dehydrated(that's why I was trying to figure out if they were sunken or not, from the pictures I was looking at the eyes do seem sunken but not severely like some I have seen. she did get subcutaneous fluids at the vet but I haven't witnessed her drinking since then, I want to watch her to see if she's drinking but at the same time I want to leave her alone so she can lay her eggs, she's so stressed out from getting her meds every 12 hours(could this be why she's not drinking?). I know they stop eating when they're gravid but shouldn't they still eat some? She's not eating any of the crickets I've given her for the past 3 days, I have BSFLs coming in tomorrow maybe she'll eat some of those.
She may not be eating at all at the moment because she is very close to laying. Do you have a good lay bin? (didn't look) She looks dehydrated but the excess skin and puffyness around her turrets is NOT normal for dehydration. Does she have white urates when she goes? (if she goes regularly) If so she will likely have some good hydration on board.
She's went three times since I've had her which would be 8 days now, all three urates were white but there was very little feces with the last time she went. Which would've been last night or early morning of 4/28. I do have a lay bin(I posted a picture) the picture I posted of her eye is pretty blurry I can try and get some better ones and some not so close up ones you may be able to see a little better if that would help


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Is she looking for a lay spot? Like showing like she wants to lay with any of the normal behaviors?

Better pictures would be good of her eye. If you could get some of both that would be good. If she has white urates I would think she is drinking well. As far as eating you have been offering the crickets and BSFL soon? I would recommend looking into getting a soft bodied feeder like silkworms or hornworms. Almost all chameleons will eat them within seconds and it also boosts hydration. Hornworms are likely your best bet at the moment because they are green and tend to be more attractive that way. My absolute favorite place to order is Great Lakes Hornworms. Just search it on google and you will find them. They offer all you need for them.
I've read about hornworms but I didn't know they were that appealing/healthy or I would've ordered some already.

She hasn't given the lay bin any attention at all, I have a mixture of ecoearth and play sand somewhere between about 60-40 and 70-30 respectively. Would there be a better mixture I could use that would be easier on her? I've read egg laying is a pretty physically intense process and anything I can do to make it easier on her (especially factoring in the MBD) I need to do.

I will get some pictures up in a few hours she's hiding at the moment and I don't want to handle her more than I already have to.

For all your help
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