Is she ok


New Member
Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Male Jackson's Chameleon from pet store

* Age-Unknown

* Size-8 inches(horns to tip of tail)

* Handling -2 times a day for feeding

* Feeding - I am feeding him crickets. He usually eats 1-3 adult crickets and once a week i give him a moth or worm

* Feeders-The crickets get cat food,insect gutload food,fish food and cricket quencher

* Supplements - Calcium with D3

* Watering - I use a hand mister 2 times a day and homemade dipper.

* Fecal Description - oval and dark looks normal

* History - pet store

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - 4 feet large wire bird cage i am planing on upgrading to a screen cage

* Lighting - take him outside in sun

* Temperature - Lowest overnight temp is 65* I have thermometer at the top Then I have humidity gauge

* Humidity - It ranges from about 60-65%.

* Plants -all real

* Placement - My room. .

* Location - hawaii.

pls let me know what i can change
One thing you need to change for sure is your gutload. You are using items with too high of protein content which can cause kidney issues among other things. Fresh fruits and veggies are much better.
Are you supplementing with calcium? How often are you getting him outside?
get some calcium without d3, as plain calcium should be used every other day where as the d3 is a bi monthly or monthly thing.
Definitely if he goes outside everyday I would stop the Calcium w/D3 and switch to plain calcium also gutload your crickets a little healthier of a diet maybe some more veggies and fruit, also offer a mix of feeders or treats like superworms or silkworms overall I think you are doing great, good luck and enjoy your chameleon!!:D also add some light to your cage UVB and get some pictures up when you get a chance so we can help you better!
How long in the sun? If you only have him out there for an hour or so you need some type of UVB lighting for the cage and also some type of basking light. You cannot just leave the cage dark all of the time unless the cham is outdoors all day.
A few things have already been said, but i'll say them again just to show how important they are! ;)

1) Handling: you handle your chameleon when it's time to feed him?? Why?! And handling twice a day is too much. You should reduce it to once a week maybe, or two. And not for a long time (5 to 15 mins max).

2) Feeding: i am not a big fan of mostly feeding one single insect. I suggest you use mostly crickets and superworms (two easy feeders and unexpensive), and a few moths, silkworms, hornworms, and/or roaches.

3) Supplements: Indeed, you should be using calcium WITHOUT D3 most of the time, and maybe every 3 weeks calcium with D3, and every 3 other weeks some multivitamins.

4) Fecal description: there's not enough information to know if it's normal poop or not.

5) Enclosure: your cage may be a problem. I understand it is 4ft large, but how high is it? How deep is it??

6) Lighting: more details is required here to judge if you have the proper installations or not. Also, when you go outside, where is your chameleon, where are you/what do you do while it's outside??

7) Temperature: what is the temperature during the day? Highest and ambiant temperature??

8) Plants: what plants? Some are toxic to chameleons... How big are they?

9) Placement: Ok, it's in your room, but what kind of room is it? How high is placed your cage? How much movement goes by your room?

Finally, some pictures of your inside and outside setups would be helpful, along with a few big pictures of your chameleon. Otherwise, we can hardly comment your breeding conditions!
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