is this a boy or girl?


New Member
hi i just got a new veiled chameleon from the pet store and they did no tell me if it was a boy or girl can someone please like help me figure it out so i can name it thanks


  • chameleon.jpg
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Hard to tell from that picture. Is that the back foot? If you take another picture from a different angle of be able to tell you. From what I'm seeing it looks like a female.
thank you so much this is my first time ever having a chameleon is there any tip or advice to know because she is a female i heard that female don't live as long why is that? also i heard they harder than males because they lay egg and they can die from it is that true?
well you should copy and paste this form and be very descriptive about your anwsers. This will help me in what advice you need on your husbandry.

As for females not living as long as males I'm not thinkint that is true but I'm not sure. I have heard that egg laying is very hard on them though so that might be a factor. Egg laying can cause a female to die IF an egg laying bin is not provided. They can become egg bound. BUT there are tons of threads on here with GREAT information on when to make an egg laying bin and how. There are certain behaviors that can tip you off to know that she is ready to lay.
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