is this a norm color for a 3 month old female veiled?


New Member
so this is my first juvie cham lol iv only dealt with adult & mature chams so for colors i have no clue what to expect but my little girl has been showing me some pretty awesome colors anywhere from bright yellow to a tanish/brown with green spots? when she is mature will she be the pretty lime green color? is this just a growing phase? these are all relaxed colors btw.
bright yellow.jpg

brown & green.jpg

brown green tan.jpg

darker tannish yellow.jpg

more yellow!.jpg
i know the picture quality isnt the greatest but all i have is a cam phone.
Whoa...thats interesting.
I don't have much experience with chameleons yet, I just got mine.
I have a 3-4 month of male Veiled, but ive never seen him turn like that.
He's always a lime green color, and in the sun he turns dark green.
Whatever the reason, I really wish I could have her. :( Silly parents, can't seem to understand that Napoleon needs a girlfriend :rolleyes:
Temps are to high for a female. The basking spot should stay at 85 degrees and the ambient temp should range from 70-80 degrees.
What about the colors in the room you keep him? he looked pretty fixed on the color of your carpet
She is starting to get her adult colours. You will likely start to notice blue spots on her as well which means she is at the age where she is sexually mature. My female started showing those colours around 6 months ish. I recommend keeping your basking temps in the low 80's. How old is she? are you still feeding her every day? She looks like she may be getting close to the age where you will want to start feeding every other day if you arent already. High temps plus lots of food equals more/larger infertile clutches. Now that your girl is showing those sexually mature colours you may want to keep a laying bin in with her as well.
i use a humidity temperature gauge by z-rilla
i really dont think its the temps she has been these colors since i can remember i have the same set up for my other female veiled thats a little over a year & she is the normal colors
but i did some re-adjusting with her basking light just to be safe :)
it is about 83 at the basking point right now.
so from the answers im getting this isnt just a phase that chams going through puberty go thru :D
sorry, I just read that she is only 3 months old (she looks older to me) so dont worry about the every other day feedings and I also just read that you have an older female so you probably already know that info anyways lol. She may just have some interesting colours.
i didnt even see your other post until now mike :eek:
but yes she is only 3 months old & i got my other cham when she was already matured so this is kind of a first so thanks for the info!
i feed the little one every day && i feed my big girl 4 times a week but im thinking she needs to go on a diet she is starting to get chunky :D
& not the gravid way
Colors look unique to me. Definitely not the normal colors for a female veiled but like others have said she may be overheating and that could be the reason for the different colors.

On another note, she is huge for only 3 months old! Looks much bigger then my 3 month old male veiled. Is she closer to 4 months?
iv lowered the temps & il keep u updated on her coloring still but like i said she has been this way from day one.
& she is very close to being 4 months if she isnt already by about a week
Ok, great sounds good. Make sure to keep us updated. I'm very interested to see if she remains the same colors as the days go by with the lowered temps.
I have a 6-7 month old female veiled. She is pretty much always bright green with some orange stripes and spots. She is about to start digging so she is very stressed and turn very dark when I walk in. I have not noticed any blues yet though.
so yesterday after reading the advice everyone in the forum had given me i adjusted temps in the cage etc. so all the temps are perfect but my cham is still her funky colors lol
i took a new pic today :p
has anyone ever had a veiled this color before?
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