Is this hopper safe to feed ?

Thats way we have been trying to get good groups of different grasshoppers that are safe to feed our guy love katydids.
Stan LOVES Katydids... unfortunately they are friggin imPOSSIBLE to catch.... Honestly from all that I have looked through the rule of thumb I found was that bright is bad.... And I may be wrong but I don't know of any tobacco areas around Granbury so I think your good ;) I have asked around with different herp owners in the Dallas area and have found that most of the hoppers in our area have been fed off with no problem... The only time I've ever heard it was bad was when they did all the west nile sprays in our area but that was where I lived I can't speak for Granbury... I WOULD love to get a colony of these guys going though my chams love hoppers
Ah... See I'm bad with semantics... When I think of hoppers I think of plant annihilators and when I see "tobacco" I just put the two together:p My bad;)
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