Is this MBD?

I know! Super bummed. I have not given up hope yet. If things don't work out suggestions where I could get a *healthy* veiled chameleon from? I am looking at Here OR here

Any other suggestions? I want Kinji back! lame.
MAN!!!! That SUKS... SO HARD!... Poor little guy. I bet they dont do anything for him... except maybe send him back to the breeder.... If that. Do they have more that look like that?:mad: You didnt mention if they returned your money? Chances are you wont see him again:( Lots of good healthy Veileds to be found from reputable breeders around. Gets me wondering what breeders sell to those places??? Look in the classifieds here or Try Chameleon Classifieds.. & Dont forget to check the Sponsors of this great site! Good Luck,,,, My friend!

PS.... I hope I am wrong and you get your little buddy back....Its SO easy to get attached QUICK!...... I got a very healthy little Ambilobe- Sambava Cross from LLL Reptile just a few weeks back. They have good prices and lots of Veileds;)
I'm taking it they gave you your money back. As long as you have first shot at "repurchasing" him, and they use a vet experienced with chameleons, Kinji will get the care he needs and, if he makes progress (which he should, it's really not that bad) you'll get him back, healthier and ready to be a great pet.
I know! Super bummed. I have not given up hope yet. If things don't work out suggestions where I could get a *healthy* veiled chameleon from? I am looking at Here OR here

Any other suggestions? I want Kinji back! lame.

I can tell you a couple of things, if you can get a veiled from northwest chams for $85 shipped, DO IT. The owners Sandy & Elliott and very, very dedicated cham people. You will get a healthy cham from them.
I know you want your baby Kinji back, but this is your first cham, the last thing you want is a cham that will cost you lots of money for a good several months to come and still may not make it. I also have no confidence that Petsmart will follow the necessary measures to get the little guy healthy. That is not a couple week process.
Having that first chameleon be healthy to start is very important. New owners do make mistakes. All of us have and most of us still make some. The thing is if you are least start with a healthy cham, they will most likely survive the small mistakes you make. A sick cham has a lot less chance. It can be done it is just a lot more labor intensive.
The finally decision is yours, as long as you are ready to handle what you decide, then go for it. We are all here to help you.
I agree with Laurie. As much as I feel for any and all chams Petsmart should keep and deal with their mistakes. We have rehabbed a cham with mild MBD and that was hard and took a lot of work and a lot of outdoor time and liquid calcium. We allegedly know what we are doing with chams :D
Having that first chameleon be healthy to start is very important. New owners do make mistakes. All of us have and most of us still make some. The thing is if you are least start with a healthy cham, they will most likely survive the small mistakes you make. A sick cham has a lot less chance. It can be done it is just a lot more labor intensive.
The finally decision is yours, as long as you are ready to handle what you decide, then go for it. We are all here to help you.

I agree that a healthy chameleon is the best way to start developing this passion. It can be hard to get over a bad first experience... My first cham was a veiled of about 7 months with MBD that I bought because I could not bear leaving it to neglection in that squalid pet store... I had him for about 2 years and despite all my care and efforts he was never a happy chameleon... Until I tried again, I really had no idea of how pleasurable it is to have healthy chameleons around!

That said, whatever you will decide to do, proper information and dedication will go a long way. And this forum is a great resource for both novice and experienced keepers!
Draco, a few questions for you. I know that the healthy chameleon was easier for you. Was it as rewarding? Do you recall it as fondly? Do you remember it as vividly? Do you regret taking on the challenge?
Draco, a few questions for you. I know that the healthy chameleon was easier for you. Was it as rewarding? Do you recall it as fondly? Do you remember it as vividly? Do you regret taking on the challenge?

Hi Eliza, I do not regret taking on the challenge, especially because I am pretty sure he would have not survived in that store... Would I do it again? sure. That said, it was also really sad to have an animal that had clearly been through too much and never really recovered (physically and psychologically).

After he passed it took me a while to get back to keeping chams and all of the memories I have of him are really bittersweet.
Thank You

To everyone who has helped me figure this situation out. Thank you. I have ordered a new (healthy) chameleon from Sandy (I just got off the phone with her) and am very excited! Now I am going to figure out if I want to supplement with Repsahy superfoods calcium plus OR do the three separate powders (Ca w/o D3, Ca w/ D3, and multivitamin) routine.
I for one am happy that you get to start off with a healthy cham. But you will still have questions, so jump in and ask. I bought the rephsay superfoods supercal Lod. I have montanes so I will only use it once a week with plain calcium the other feedings. But for a veiled I think that would be good to use as the only one you need.
To everyone who has helped me figure this situation out. Thank you. I have ordered a new (healthy) chameleon from Sandy (I just got off the phone with her) and am very excited! Now I am going to figure out if I want to supplement with Repsahy superfoods calcium plus OR do the three separate powders (Ca w/o D3, Ca w/ D3, and multivitamin) routine.

I switched to The Repashy products a few weeks back..... It just makes life easier. Calcium Plus & Bug Burger. Im also adding Dinofuel Raptor to the burger.... Its almost unbelievable how fast my little guy is growing.

Update: Okay so PetsMart called me back and said surprise surprise Kinji has the early stages of MBD. They can't sell him back to me, but they are offering to let me adopt him for free... so now I am at a cross roads... get a healthy cham from Northwest Chams, or one that can't be sold again because of early (but curable) MBD... ugggggggggggg
Update: Okay so PetsMart called me back and said surprise surprise Kinji has the early stages of MBD. They can't sell him back to me, but they are offering to let me adopt him for free... so now I am at a cross roads... get a healthy cham from Northwest Chams, or one that can't be sold again because of early (but curable) MBD... ugggggggggggg

Personally (and this is just me) I would do both.
But im a sucker for booboos and pets that need help...
Have you read the thread I linked you to? This is not a bad case of MBD and this chameleon can be a good, rewarding, healthy pet with your good care. Ask yourself how you would feel if someone with less knowledge took Kinji and did not give him the care he needs?
But I only have one cage... and you can't put two together... :-(

Sounds like you should get a second cage then. :D
and since the cham does have mbd, I would suggest a cage that is wider than it is tall, to prevent climbing high. this can help with preventing him from falling. just until hes stronger and healthier.
Agree with this!!! It would mean two cages but it would be worth knowing the cham with MBD would be cared for!

Hehe. Im sorry, a sick cham isnt a laughing matter. but I am glad im not the only one going take on the sick cham baby!
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