Is this True!!!


New Member
Could any1 back up this quote on a website. Im due a nosy mitsio in two weeks and have been studying as much as a can.

Some chameleons like human company. This unusual trait in Chameleons is sometimes seen in male Panthers. You might have to move the vivarium from your purpose built reptile room to the lounge for your pet to thrive. We are speaking from experience!

Just looking to see if any1 can back this up.
Could any1 back up this quote on a website. Im due a nosy mitsio in two weeks and have been studying as much as a can.

Some chameleons like human company. This unusual trait in Chameleons is sometimes seen in male Panthers. You might have to move the vivarium from your purpose built reptile room to the lounge for your pet to thrive. We are speaking from experience!

Just looking to see if any1 can back this up.

where did you get this from? i realy do not think it would ever be appropriate to move your cage to the "lounge room" altho it is true that some chams like human company. there are sometimes very friendly chams, but should be left in a reptile room. too much traffic, interactions with more than one or two people at a time constantly could very well change a whole personality of a cham and make them stressed. i imho, i dont think any cham would "strive" in a human constant company environment.
All chameleons are different. Some may not mind while others would get so stressed they could die....
My chameleons are super friendly and their free ranges are all in areas of our house where we spend allot of time. We interact with them all the time. They are both veileds.

It all depends on how the chameleon is raised and how you treat your chameleon at to if it will be friendly or not.
That website hasn't been updated since 2004! I also have two friendly chams (veileds) - one moreso (male) than the other (female). The male as with my first female were raised from 6 weeks onwards in a shop environment where they saw people in and out all day long. Both her and my male were/are very tolerant of people, to the point of scratching on the viv door to be let out. My male's brother clutchmate still lives there and is very friendly too. However, it does depend largely on the individual chameleon's personality. I think they become accustomed to people when they see them often, rather than being shut away in a different room. If I kept my male in a room other than the lounge, he would become stressed because he does like people.
my veiled is extremely friendly but she also has her days where she rather be on her all depends on the personality of the cham and how they were brought up :)
Some chameleons like human company.
This is true
This unusual trait in Chameleons is sometimes seen in male Panthers.
My males are friendlier then my females, but I wouldn't take this as a fact
You might have to move the vivarium from your purpose built reptile room to the lounge for your pet to thrive.
No, just no.
We are speaking from experience!
That's simply laughable
Cheers guys just making sure a study anything and everything before my new arrival and this confused me so I'd thought I'd ask you guys.
To deduce that any reptile "likes" human company is absurd. I have chams that will walk to the front of the cage when I walk in the room, but I chalk this up to feeding response/watering. I'm sure they can learn that a human being is where the yummy stuff comes from. But to assume that they "like" our company is simple anthropomorphism. Even with beardies that will climb into your hand, calling that behavior liking human company is just illogical.
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