It was totally necessary, I swear!


Avid Member
The big box pet store is something that I desperately try to avoid, but my bug order was delayed and long story short... new lizard. They had this tiny baby, maybe a month out of the shell in a tiny display case with a clearly sexable male. And they just didn't understand why it wouldn't eat. Anybody have an empty viv for a sweet little crestie?


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OH how cute! (And before you think about it, no i can't take it.) But you should totally keep it! Buster Brown Butt should stay with you! And, besides, he will fit right in with your other eyeball lickers!
OH how cute! (And before you think about it, no i can't take it.) But you should totally keep it! Buster Brown Butt should stay with you! And, besides, he will fit right in with your other eyeball lickers!
I have so many eyeball lickers! But him was so bullied, he hid his little derpy self under the substrate. I couldn't just leave him there! Somebody else needs a little eyeball licker more than I do.
For the record, they were feeding large crickets. And the cgd dish was right by the hide and plastic branch the older male was clearly claiming. It was 5 in the evening and the older one was all fired up. He wasn't benefitting from the presence of the baby either.
Awe. Poor baby. Aren't geckos social enough to try to integrate him in with yours? Or no?
I could try, but if it's a male my Thor will probably pick on him too. And hims just a little baby, Thor is much bigger so that worries me! I've had dubia bigger than this little guy.
Lol. Well...maybe if there is a "stow away" in with my little girl, when I come to get her... I would probably be able to find an empty tank around here, somewhere...:rolleyes: But boy i would be in big trouble with the hubby!:confused:
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